To be successful online financially is to have a large readership to help you get visitors to your blog. What's important in business? What is the one major reason you want to start a business? The answer lies in the traffic you send.
Let's face it, without any traffic you will not see any sales or leads. You can have the greatest site in the world and still do want to get any traffic. You need to have a constant flow of traffic daily, and there are many ways to generate traffic. Many people dream of having their own blog to help them make an income. If you have the willingness to work hard and diligent, sooner or later you will get visitors to your blog.
For you to uphold your status with the search engines, you must update your blog regularly say maybe once or twice a week. To Get Visitors to Your Blog to increase your sales, nothing says it better than to be an active blogger. Naturally, you will get more backlinks from others who read yours as well.
Here Are the Most Common Ways to Get Visitors to Your Blog
• Web 2.0 Methods
• Article Websites
• Video
• Article Websites
• Video
Web 2.0 sites
You can create the content by using a web 2.0 site. The good about these sites it helps you to build backlinks simply because they allow you to engage in content creation which the search engines love. These sites get so much traffic, it's a crying shame you don't use this to your advantage to hep get visitors to your blog. However, these are tough times as the search engines are now starting to crack down on self-serving links.
Self-serving links are backlinks use only to help build your backlinks without giving any content, which is a negative in the eyes of search engines. A few years ago Squidoo was one of the roots that allowed this to happen to them until the search engines decided to slap them and lower their importance of backlinking. Soon other Web 2.0 sites are going to be judged by the search engines if they do not provide any real content.
As Web 2.0 sites are being used today they still have the benefit of adding content - search engine ranking means constant free traffic daily. There are many more web 2.0 traffic tactics we don't have time to get into the details here, but this will help you to get started. Sending the RSS feed of the Web 2.0 sites helps to get those backlinks indexed.
Use Article Directories to Get Visitors to Your Blog
Article directories are essential Web 2.0 websites that allow you to upload your content as articles. Article directories have the authority with search engines. They get all the benefits; that's what I would like to say but recently article directories are getting slapped by Google because of the junk being accepted on there. Article directories used to be targeted toward certain keywords, and it's something like this:
• Figure out what keywords you want to go after
• Write specifically to target these keywords
• Hyperlink these keywords to your website - both in the content of the article and in your author's info section.
• Write specifically to target these keywords
• Hyperlink these keywords to your website - both in the content of the article and in your author's info section.
This was a winning formula for doing articles in an article directory. However, many of these sites have been given traffic from the search engines on the lower scale, and since then most people are thinking of other means to gain traffic. Getting traffic from an article directory is still important because it is good for building backlinks.
On February 24, 2011 when the Google Panda algorithm rolled in, many websites that offered little content have been punished by Google. To combat this misuse, they have now put a limit of 400 or more words an article. In the past people abused the power that came from article directories. When you have written the articles, the first 10 results on Google resulted on the article directories being on the top thus it was helping to get visitors to your blog. Google has taken the stand and lower the importance of the article directories since. However, their sole purpose was to help "syndicate" your content if it meets their standards; it was never meant to outrank content that was originally published on the person's website.
If you're the original owner of the content, you must first publish it on your OWN website before submitting it to any article directory. Your post also must be indexed by Google to confirm that you're the owner of the content. Just make sure the grammar is correct; not only does Google deindex sites because of this, the article directories do not want the content either. Furthermore, when you submit your articles to article directories, remove all links from the post. Many of them do not want the links in the body, but a maximum of two links in the resource box. Furthermore, if you have a top-level domain, then you have a good chance of being accepted. I say this because many article directories will not accept a subdomain unless you are the owner if the domain.
Although your article, being submitted in its natural state, it can still get visitors to your blog because the articles that have been accepted will be syndicated on other blogs elsewhere.
Get Visitors to Your Blog Just With Videos
Most entrepreneurs and businesses in today's world use blogging as one of their platforms, but not so much to be of a disadvantage to you as they are not utilizing videos as much. You can still Get Visitors to Your Blog if you perform the right Seo methods with your videos. Getting traffic from videos is simple any good way to get the video indexed in search engines so people can see it, which will help you to gain extra exposure.
It's important to have keywords in your video because it would help you to target specific people within your niche. What is the most commonly used video directory that gains a great amount of traffic and has good Alexa ranking? It is none other than YouTube. YouTube gets thousands of visitors every single day, and just imagine how much extra exposure you can gain from having your video listed on there. As a bonus to you, those videos get indexed on Google. So how do you do effective video marketing?
• Sign up for YouTube
• Make your profile uncluttered by turning off all the modules
• Add tags to your profile
• Make sure to include in your profile a link to your site
• Upload at least 1 video
• In the title, the description and the tags for each video, include your main keywords
• Make your profile uncluttered by turning off all the modules
• Add tags to your profile
• Make sure to include in your profile a link to your site
• Upload at least 1 video
• In the title, the description and the tags for each video, include your main keywords
There are many other ways to gain traffic to your website, but these tips are the most commonly used video tactics to gain tons of traffic back to your site. There is no such thing as a magic pill that can instantly get you more visitors to your blog; it's just a scam luring you to spend more money. Success is not going to happen overnight if you want to Get Visitors to Your Blog at a fast rate.
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