Many article marketers give up out of complete frustration simply because they do not understand how to properly write and submit articles to make money. Once you know how and where to publish multiple versions of the same articles, your FREE traffic will explode. This article explores three possible solutions.
The beauty of using articles to promote your web sites and blogs to make money online is that the traffic is largely free and the articles continue to send traffic often for many years after they are written.
The down side is that the marketing power of articles when you do not know the right techniques can be poor and can take a long time to gain momentum. Often the amateur article marketers give up and leave the industry well before they see any profits from their articles. This does not need to be the case.
The problem you face is that each article you write generates around 1-5 views per day. If you write a great article and have a very compelling call to action at the bottom you can expect around about 7-12% of readers to clicks on your link to your pre-sales page or offer page. If you have a well designed sales landing page and great products to sell you can expect about 1-3 sales per 100 targeted viewers.
Optimistically 1 sale per 100 viewers /12% = 1 Sale per 833 article readers. At 5 views per day that's 1 sale per article per 166 days...
Realistically it is more like about 1 sale per thousand viewers with an average of 3 readers per day per article = 1 sale every 333 days per article... Don't click off the news gets better.
It is no wonder a lot of new internet marketers come in set up a web page, write a few articles then give up before the sales start accumulating some months later.
So what is the solution? Firstly the most obvious solution is you need more visitors to your pre sales or offer page then basic article marketing can provide. The most immediate reaction is to launch into a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign or some paid advertising. This will work, but the downside is it's a balancing act to ensure that after your advertising expenses you still make a good profit margin. But this is one possible solution.
A second solution is to post your articles to lots of article directories and the number of readers will be magnified, which will in turn lead to more regular sales. In theory this should work, but in reality it can be very problematic. One of the ways Search engines calculate the popularity of your article content is by it being unique. So if they find multiple copies of the article online the article will feature lower in search results. You will pick up additional readers directly from the article directories, but not from the search engines.
A third solution is to use other traffic generating methods like blogging. Set up a number of blogs on your niche topic and link these blogs to your sales page. Past modified copies of your articles on your blogs and suddenly you have multiple places with unique content linking to your website. This will work to an extent, however its on the assumption that your blog itself receives traffic. Unfortunately often this is not the case.
Ultimately your online success is totally determined by your ability to generate targeted traffic to your sales page. Without doing this you have no chance. There are plenty of easy free ways to generate huge volumes of traffic from just a few original articles.
With the correct techniques you can write around five articles and submit them to 30 odd blogs and generate massive traffic without suffering any Search Engine penalties for duplicate content. The solution is to slightly modify all your articles and submit them to multiple blogs. You don't need to own the blogs, you just need to be able to submit content to them.
Once you know where and how to publish multiple versions of the same few articles driving huge volumes of free traffic becomes a very simple task. I can show you how to easily modify the content enough to get full support from search Engines while not having to re-write completely new articles.
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