Friday, 4 January 2013

If You Can Tweet You Can Generate Free Website Traffic

So you're looking for a way to generate some free website traffic, eh? Well, all you have to do is learn how to Tweet! Celebrities Tweet. Sports stars and Rock stars Tweet. The Queen Tweets, and so does The President Of The United States. Everybody Tweets! If you're looking for the ultimate method to generate tons of free website traffic, then you need to Tweet, Too!
Twitter has quickly become the hottest social networking site on the Internet. It's estimated that over 10,000 new people set up an account on Twitter every day. But how can a Social Networking site help you generate free website traffic? Easy! Twitter is divided into all kinds of little networking communities. There are groups of people who love dogs, groups who love gardening, groups who are into childcare, groups who are interested in gaming. There's a group for every niche under the sun. All you have to do is get in there and socialize with them.
Twitter is a micro-blogging platform. In a way, it's similar to blogging in that you have your own account and you can post information. But what makes Twitter so fun and interesting is that you posts are limited to a maximum of 140 characters. So you don't have room to start rambling around. You have to get to the point.
When you first log on to Twitter to create your account, you'll want to create a username that is either as close to your own name as you can possible get or a username that is close to, or relevant to, the website you're going to be promoting. Either way, this will give your account an air of authority and make it easier to remember. You'll also be given the opportunity to create a public profile, but it can only be 160 characters long. Choose your words carefully. Use as many keywords relevant to your site as you can and still sound sensible. When new members join Twitter, they often do a search to find people who share their same interests. The keywords that you use in your profile are how people will be able to find you.
As with other types of social networking, like forum posting, you want to just relax for awhile and get the feel of the place. It might sound like it's going to be easy to generate free website traffic in 140 characters or less, but it's not as easy as it sounds. Search for people to follow by using your own keywords in the search box. As you start following people, most of them will follow you back. It's considered good manners, on Twitter, to follow someone who is following you.
As you start following people, their Tweets will start appearing on your Twitter page and you'll be able to see what topics people are discussing. Go ahead. Try joining in the discussion. But remember, these people are here to socialize. Let them get to know and trust you before you start posting links to your website. Ask how their day is going. Tell a little joke. Post an interesting article that you saw today. Join in the fun for awhile and eventually you'll have your own little community of followers clicking on every link you Tweet. If you play nice and join in the fun, you'll soon be able to generate all the free website traffic you can handle.

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