While this can be a big time waster if not used in the right way (to drive traffic), promoting your content via social media can give you a huge advantage. While we live in a world of constant connectivity, social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc are gaining more and more users. This means there is an ever increasing number of people our content can reach. Getting a post to go viral can make a huge impact in your traffic report. But even more so is the ability for you to ENGAGE with your audience. It's a proven fact that people buy from people/companies they know, like, or trust. So building that relationship with them can be very significant. Consider Oprah. Oprah has done such a great job with this concept. She literally has thousands of "followers" who rush out to buy her recommendations because she has such loyal fans that she has built strong emotional equity with.
2. Forum Marketing
This is an oldie but goodie. Forum marketing is still proven to be a fantastic way to get people to visit your site. The key is providing useful information in the forums. When you do this, people will view you as an authority figure on the subject and will naturally want more from you. By including a link to your website in your signature (this is found usually at the bottom of your post window and can be customized by editing your profile information), you give those hungry users a way to learn more about the subject. Of course it goes without saying that you should tailor your signature links for each forum so the link they are clicking is relevant to the topic of the forum. A secret to getting the most traffic out of the forums is to give your very best information. Don't hold anything back and you will gain tons of free traffic and build your reputation as the expert on the subject.The equation is simple; more value equals more traffic. And remember, it is about quality, not quantity.
3. Solo Ads
This is one that I had a tough time with at first. I cringe at paying for traffic. But, now I'm kicking myself wishing I'd "seen the light" a little sooner.Turns out, this is one of the biggest traffic sources for my businesses. If you must use only ONE strategy for your business, this is it. It has proven to be a successful and consistent way of generating traffic, and leads. Solo ads are standalone advertisements that are sent to subscribers of an established newsletter or ezine. They are relatively cheap, ranging from free to $3 per thousand impressions. When the subscriber receives the ezine, your ad is the only thing they see. What I struggled with, and I assume many others do too, is investing money back into your business in the form of advertising. You see, it's easy to invest in training, new software, or new tools. But putting money into what could be considered the vacuum that is called advertising, is a scary and often avoided concept. Truth is, using your money to buy solo ads is an efficient way to create consistent, predictable traffic.
4. High-level Guest Blogging
As is building relationships with your followers, it is equally important to build relationships with your peers. Making connections with other bloggers, or even competitors, is an important step to building your business and brand.There are several ways to do this, but one very crushing way is to guest blog on someone's page. This means writing exclusive content for the purpose of posting it on someone else's blog. The benefit here is that you will have access to their audience and the opportunity to gain loyal readers. And loyal readers equal more traffic, quite possibly thousands of new visitors flooding your site. Even more importantly you will build your network or friends. You see, people are the cornerstone of every business. Building these connections and relationships is one of the ways to shortcut your way to success. Remember, go big here. The bigger and more popular the blog is, the better results you will see. Traffic is a numbers game. Don't be afraid to contact the bigger fish and ask if they are receptive to guest posts. A strong bet is they are.The worst that can happen is they say no and you move on. Don't be surprised if they ask for a sample of your work prior to saying yes to you, especially if they aren't familiar with you yet.
5. Create Pillar Content
This is something I pride myself on: creating epic posts. Now, not everything I write is going to be a world class epic post. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be. What epic means to me is to provide insanely valuable, actionable content that screams "READ AND SHARE ME!" Epic content is hard not to share, right? We love it. We love sending it to our friends so they can benefit and hopefully raise how cool they think we are because we read it first. And writing it is not really that hard. It does take a little extra time to think out how you want the post to sound, and probably a little revising, but not much different from your normal posts... if your goal already is to provide useful, quality information to your readers.
You know how people are drawn to positive attitudes? Well, the same applies online. People are drawn to unique personalities. So provide a unique personality or approach to a subject, and readers will want to read your stuff.
Write content that makes people think, inspires, creates value, provides a new perspective, challenges, and pushes people out of their comfort zones. Now that is pillar content.
Focus and speed of implementation are 2 keys to getting quick results. I promise you that if you implement the above methods in a whole-hearted manner, by putting the effort into doing them 100%, you will see results fast.
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