Thursday, 31 January 2013

Social Media Traffic, It Is Massive and You Should Take Advantage of It!

Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and many others are great source of internet traffic. Take Facebook as an example, it is the second website in the world that has the most visitors, next to Google. It means that it has a lot of traffic. From business point of view, it could be a massive source of traffic for your website too.
So why bother about them? Can we just look for traffic somewhere else? Yes you can. But in terms of logical reasoning, you should go to where most of the traffic is. In simple terms, just follow where the crowd is going.
Here are some reasons on why you should take advantages of Social Media to attract traffic to your website:
1. Steady flow of traffic
In June 2012 alone, Facebook had 158,560,778 visitors! Just imagine how much traffic you can have if you can attract 0.01% of it. It equates to 15,856 visitors per month, or 528 visitors daily. It ranks second with Google in the lead. And who does not like it? We obviously like more traffic, lots and lots of internet traffic. For Twitter it has 42,653,274 visitors for the month of June this year. You can picture out how massive the traffic they have that we can possibly take advantage of.
2. Creating an account is free
Creating an account in any Social Media websites is free and it is easy to do as well. We like something for free especially if they add value to our business. It would be unwise if you will not create your free Facebook and Twitter account. You can also create an account for your business which I recommend you should do. Many business organizations these days are making use of Social Media's popularity to promote their value proposition to their existing customers and prospects. You should do the same.
3. It is simple to use
It is really simple to use in my opinion. With today's technology, getting connected to the Internet is a thing of daily routine. Even some children these days already have an account. So there is no reason for any Internet Marketer not to have one. It is free and simple to use. The simpler it is, the better it will be. What else we can ask for?
4. You can advertise for free
Free advertisement in Facebook is possible through your existing friends in your account. The same is true with Twitter. Your ads will become viral once your friends will do the work for you through sharing it to their friends. The traffic cycle will continue once the sharing will goes on and on.
5. You can target your customers
This is not easily possible for the free ads. However, paid ads at Facebook will do the job. You should do this if your financial resource allows you to do it. This is fastest way at Facebook to reach out to your target customers.

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