Monday, 14 January 2013

Need Free Server-Crashing Traffic to Your Website? Find Joint Venture Partners

As marketers we all need lots of traffic, preferably free, and what better way to get truckloads of them than through joint ventures. There are many affiliate marketers on the internet who are looking for JV partners, but you have to find them.
It is proven that the most targeted traffic that you can get is the traffic that comes from joint venture partners. These are people who have already built a good relationship with their subscribers, so when they recommend a product to them they get great response. Many times when you hear about servers crashing it is caused by traffic from joint ventures. Wouldn't you like this to happen to you?
Here are five (5) simple ways to find all the joint venture partners you want to create your server crashing
(1). Search Popular Products - Do a search in your niche for the title of your competitors' product that is related to yours. These are people who are already familiar with affiliate marketing and they are already promoting a product similar to yours, so they are prime candidates to help you promote yours.
(2). Search Article Titles - Look for article titles relevant to your product and identify the sites where these articles are located. The goal here is to see if these sites will allow you to post your articles on them as well. This is a very powerful strategy especially if these sites are ranked highly in the search engines.
(3). Search Accessories - Do a search for items and accessories that are related to your offer. What you are doing here is to find anything relevant to your offer. Most smart marketers are looking to provide more value to their visitors and subscribers, and having access to compatible products and accessories works pretty good.
(4). Search Authors And Experts - Look for the names of well-known authors and experts in your niche. There is no shortage of authority figures in many of the popular niches, all you have to do is know who you are looking for. You will find their names on review sites, forums, sites that post their articles and many other places. What you are looking for here in particular are those using affiliate links.
(5). Search Advertising - Look for search terms that are related to your product and then find out who are advertising those products using Google. Google provides this information right at your fingertips with the ads that are displayed on the right hand side. These most likely are more experienced marketers who will probably welcome a joint venture partnership with you.

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