Wednesday, 2 April 2014

How Can I Build My List and Create Buyers at the Same Time?

I am going to answer this question basically by telling you exactly how I do it, because I do both. Generally, my immediate sales pay my advertising costs.
The way that I do it is to send all my traffic to a squeeze page where the only option is to opt in to my email list. By combining this concept with a compelling free gift, and no other way to get into my site except by opting in, I can control the conversion rate on my squeeze pages - they average around 50%, with the highest being 65%.
Once they opt in, they are immediately redirected to a page that says this across the top: Thank you for downloading my free gift to you. You will be receiving a confirmation email shortly to confirm your email address. Once you have confirmed your email address, you will be directed to the download link. In the meantime, please take a look at my new product: Below that is my sales page, which generally converts at about 5% to new traffic, which in most cases pays for my advertising costs.
I immediately begin an aggressive mailing campaign, and many subscribers purchase an additional product, or if they did not purchase the initial offer, their first product, within the first few days on my list.
Keep in mind that my emails and sales pages run a considerably higher conversion rate than yours will the first 1000 visitors - once you have conversion statistics, you can begin altering and changing the low-conversion elements and tweaking your campaign until it converts well.

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