Friday, 25 April 2014

How to Build a List Fast and Easy by Using the 5 Crucial Steps to List Building

Do you want to go straight to the most important steps on list building? I'm pretty sure you have already heard the most replicated sentence in the internet marketing world: "The money is in the list". OK, I know, maybe too often... But the truth is, it is that true. Why? Because If you have build a list of, especially buyers, you have a goldmine that will bring you cash flowing into your bank account for years to come. And somebody who has already bought something from you, is much more likely to buy from you again and again. You get the point. So let's get straight into the crucial steps of how to build your list fast and easy:
1. Entice people to give you their eMail address by offering them freebies
Offering your potential customers (because that's what they are) something valuable for free. Of course it has to be a targeted freebie offer. If you haven't already, search the web for some good Private Label Rights (PLR) eBooks or videos. Be careful, some of the PLR products exclude the permission to give them away for free.
2. Make the squeeze page short, to the point and do not add too many graphics. I no longer use more than one on my sites. Ask for the name and eMail only. This is important, because the less information you ask them for, the more likely they will give you what you want, their eMail address. Split test 2-4 versions of your squeeze pages. You can do this by simply changing your squeeze page daily.
3. Your "Thank You" page is crucial
After your prospects have signed in, the next important step is to lead them to click on the confirmation link that they received in the eMail you send them through your autoresponder. One trick to entice them to click and confirm is, to show them a short screen capture video how you hunt down this tracking link or you can use a big arrow followed by bold text with the call to action to click the confirmation link.
Again, split test 2-4 versions of your thank you page to filter out the best converting one.
4. Create your custom confirmation eMail message
Configure your autoresponder and make it personal. Do not use the pre-written messages. You should focus your attention especially on the subject line.
5. Send your prospects to a post confirmation URL
After clicking on your confirmation link, now is the right time to show them your special offer, something that will make you money. This could be a one time offer or any kind of irresistible program or product you want to promote
As you can see, there are some crucial steps involved if you want to build your list fast and easy. As always, there is a little work to do before everything runs nice and easy, but the results are so worth it. Don't underestimate any one of these 5 steps. Split test and track everything you can, because this is the most valuable information and you'll benefit from it for a very long time.

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