Everyone is talking about them - email lists. Surely you have already heard those sayings like "the money is in the list". And as a matter of fact this is true; there are several reasons why you should know how to build a list. One of them is that if you don't have a list, you have to do much more work every time you try to market a new product. You already went through the hassle of getting that customer to buy from you once; so why shouldn't you capture the customer's email address to be able to contact him or her again in the future? Are you convinced now that building a list is important? Great, read on to find out what it takes to get your list started.
Basically the requirements don't differ very much from those of a normal website. You need a web host and a domain. If you are already hosting products that you sell, then those things should already be at hand. Depending on the software that you use to sell your products, you may just be able to integrate your list into the selling process. DLGuard is a good example for such software. However, if you sign up to one of the big list providers, integrating a list into your website is as easy as using their form generator and copying and pasting the generated code onto your website.
There are many of those list providers, some offer their services for free, and some ask for a small monthly fee. Choosing your list provider is an important step when you start to learn how to build a list. Be sure to check their terms of service before signing up, because some of them, for example, don't allow affiliate marketing. You may also want to read reviews by other users just to make sure.
One of the chances to capture your customer's email address has already been covered: after a sale has been made. But, of course, it's also important to know how to build a list, if you don't have any products of your own. As an affiliate marketer, it is already a good idea not to send customers directly to the page of the product that you want to promote. The reason is not only that there is no way to distinguish yourself from others, but also that you'll have to do the same work over and over again.
Why don't you create a so-called pre-sell page where you write more about the product being promoted, maybe even offer a few bonuses for people buying through your link? On that same page you also offer a free report or mini-course related to the product. This way you'll also catch those visitors that don't want to spend money on that product or want to buy it later on. Now you should be able to see what benefits this has: All the efforts that you take will accumulate in the form of your list. That's why it's so important to know how to build a list. You will earn more money with every product launch.
Those were just two ways that show you how to build a list. Of course, you can also use all the marketing skills and techniques that you already know to directly promote your list. Just set up a separate squeeze page, whose sole purpose is to provide an opportunity to sign up and offer a free report or another incentive in exchange for signing up to your list. You can then use all the traffic generation techniques that you know to drive people to it.
As you can see, it is not hard to learn how to build a list. Lay out a plan and experiment a bit. Persistence is the key to win and your list will pay you for years to come. Why don't you get started building your list now?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6190640
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