I have no doubt you have heard the saying the "money is in the list". You see it all over the internet marketing sites, but do you really need a list to be successful? The answer has to be yes, because once you have a decent sized list you then have a ready made customer base for any future products you wish to sell. Having this customer base will save you time of having to find new customers through advertising etc... It will also save you the money you would have possibly spent on your advertising. There are various ways of how to build your list easily. Here are a few tips of the cheapest ways to do this.
Your Own Domain
First of all you will need your own website, you send your potential customers to your site and then capture their name and email addresses with an opt in form that you have set up on the site. All this may seem a bit daunting if you have never set up a website or an opt in form before. There are plenty of videos explaining how to do this. But for a step by step, hold your hand type of training I would try Opt-in Profits. Once you have your site and opt in form set up it is now time to get traffic to your website. Here are a couple of cheap ways to get started.
Article Marketing
Article marketing is a free way of getting traffic to your site. This way once you get your articles published you can forget about them and still receive traffic for years to come. The more articles you have published the more visitors you are likely to receive, so don't just write one article and expect floods of traffic. The more you do the more you will get back. It seems a bit daunting at first but after you have got your first couple of articles published and see the results, you will find it a lot easier to write your articles. Just be yourself when you are writing and people will realise you are not just copying other peoples words.
Find some forums that are connected to the product you are promoting. Look through the posts and if you have an answer to any of the problems the people on the forum are experiencing let them know. This will have people thinking you are a bit of an expert on the subject, (even if you're not). When you leave a reply on the forums you can add a signature at the bottom with your website URL. Providing you have posted something of value you will start to get visitors to your site from people eager to see what you are promoting and if it can help them. If it can you may have a new customer. Your opt in form should capture their name and email address so if they don't buy this time they may want something you promote in the future. Do not go on the forums and just reply to any post to get your signature seen as this is seen as spamming. If you have the answer of value to a persons problem then that is okay, if not don't post as you will be seen as a nuisance and nobody will be clicking on your website URL.
If you have set up your website with WordPress you already have a place to start blogging. There are various blogging sites that you can join. Start blogging on the product you are promoting and make sure you add a link to your website as this is the whole reason for doing it. If you write interesting blogs people are more likely to visit your site to see what you are promoting. So start blogging as soon as you can and get those visitors streaming in.
That is 3 ways to get started promoting your website for free and building your list for a prosperous future. Be sure to gain the trust of your list, offer them unexpected free bonuses every now and then, like a report or ebook. The more you build trust with your list the more they are likely to buy from you in the future. If you need help on how to build your list easily go to Opt-in Profits. You will learn with step to step videos and set yourself up to profit from your list.
There are lots of other ways to build your list, but these three will get you started and once you have made some money you can reinvest it in advertising to promote your site to get even more traffic.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3935962
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