One of the great things about Internet marketing is that it offers so many different ways to make money.
You can make money by selling products from or from eBay. You can put Google AdSense ads on your site. You can sell information products from companies such as ClickBank. There are offers called CPAs that you can put on your website and earn money every time someone fills out a short questionnaire or answers a few questions.
However, there is a downside to all of these revenue generators.
They are all dependent on SEO-a shorthand way of saying you won't make any money using any of these tactics unless a link to your site appears on Google's first or second page.
In other words, you are at Google's mercy. If Google changes its algorithm as it did in May of this year, you may completely lose your page ranking and find yourself earning zero.
Your list is like having a store
Many smart marketers refuse to put their business at Google's mercy and, instead, concentrate on building a list of visitors, all of who become potential buyers.
How to build a list
Here in simplified form are the steps you need to take to build a list of prospective buyers.
Go to a company such as AWeber and sign up for an auto-responder account. AWeber has a number of videos that will walk you through the process of setting up the account and generating the code that you will need to paste into your website to get your visitors to "opt in" or sign up with you.
Write a number of articles (or have them written for you) on your subject
Submit the articles to directories such as or
Find something you can give away free that would be of interest to your target market. For example, if your market niche is hay fever sufferers, you might give away an eight-page report titled "How To End Hay Fever Suffering Naturally."
Give something away
Put the offer of your giveaway in your articles' resource boxes. Make sure you create a hyperlink from the resource box to the page where you have your free offer.Create a page on your site to capture the names and e-mail addresses of those that come to the page using the code you got from AWeber. Be sure that you "sell" the free offer on that page. Just because you've gotten people to the page from your articles doesn't mean they will sign-up -or what's called opt in - unless you convince them that whatever it is you're offering is worth trading for` their name and e-mail address.
Start selling
Once you have a list of, say, 100 people you can use AWeber to send them more information and ultimately offers for products that you would like to sell them. Again taking the example of hay fever, you might send two or three e-mails with free information about dealing with hay fever followed by one that sells either an information product dealing with hay fever or an actual product.
Again, the beauty of building the list is that you are no longer at the mercy of Google or any other search engine. Instead, you will be captain of your fate - ready to become a seriously successful Internet marketer.
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