If you're in internet network marketing and you are reading this article, you obviously know the importance of building a list. Learning how to build a list fast is the best way to get your MLM business up and running and making you money, as soon as possible.
Though some methods of building an email list can be slow and tedious, the methods in this article are going to show you how to build a list fast and as easy as possible.
Before you get started, you are going to need the two main components of building a list which are a capture page and an email auto-responder service. Your capture page is the page you are going to send your potential leads to and your auto-responder service is what is going to capture your leads details and allow you to build a relationship.
So, once you have your capture page and auto-responder ready, here are the best 3 ways to build a list fast...
1. List Builders
List Builders are a great way to get your capture page in front of a lot of people. The way list builders work is, you sign up with a list builder company like ViralURL or ListJoe and they will email your 'Solo Ad' to thousands of different users in their database. A Solo Ad is basically like a 'sales' email that leads back to your capture page.
There are free versions of these list builders but the real value can be found in the upgrades. Out of the two above, ViralURL tends to get better results. When you sign up with ViralURL they will give you a one time offer to upgrade at a discounted rate of $197. Once you have upgraded, ViralURL will send out your Solo Ad to 3,000 members every 3 days.
With 9,000 people seeing your ad every 9 days, you can not only build a list fast but do it in relativity cheap way as well.
2. Direct Response Advertising
Direct response adverting like Google, Yahoo and Facebook P.P.C are great ways to get your capture page in front of a laser targeted audience. P.P.C ads are hands down, the FASTEST way to get traffic to your capture pages, and therefore build a list.
P.P.C stands for Pay Per Click and they are the little ads that you see on the right side of search engines and your Facebook page. Search engine P.P.C ads can be placed on certain keywords, where Facebook ads pop up according to people's interests.
While P.P.C is a great way to advertise, it can also be quite intimidating and involves a significant learning curve. If you want to use this method to build a list fast, I suggest you get educated on P.P.C before you place any ads.
3. Marketing Systems
Marketing systems are a great way to build a list fast because they offer a generic solution to a problem that many people in the MLM industry are having, that is generating leads and making money.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6294834
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