Every successful business marketer will tell you this: "The MONEY is in the LIST!" Building your own list is the KEY to success online!
In this article I am going to tell you how to build a list for free using a very simple 3 steps list building technique. What I am going to share is a very powerful marketing strategy... but first thing first:
What Is List Building?
List building is the process of adding new subscribers to your mailing list. The subscriber needs to enter his name and his email address in exchange for receiving an information, an offer, or a free gift.
What Will You Need?
To build a list for free, only four tool are needed:
- an "end product"
- a free gift - usually an eBook
- an auto-responder - a software that take care of your list
- a high converting squeeze page
1. Find Your End Product
What you need first is to find a good product that your will sell to your list as an affiliate marketer. Find something that you personally like, that you believe in, and ideally that you bought yourself to promote it to your targeted visitors.
Most people are trying to sell immediately but the key is to BUILD YOUR LIST first. This product you found is going to be your "end product", this is what is going to make you a good residual income. I suggest that you find a product that will generate monthly incomes, like a membership.
2. Create Your Squeeze Page
What Is a Squeeze Page?
A squeeze page is a one page website which aim to capture a lead. It doesn't need to be a complex page but no list building effort is complete without a good squeeze page. It contain a subscribe box at an area where visitors can see them right away.
Your squeeze page is NOT selling anything, but gives something of value away, for free! In return, for visitors to your squeeze page to get whatever it is that you are giving away, they need to sign up to your list.
3. Offer A Free Gift
The next thing that will happen is that the name and the email address of the person that have signed up will automatically get added to your list, and in the same time, an email will get sent to him with a link telling "Click Here To Get Your Free eBook" (or whatever you are giving away) That link will take your visitor to a download page, where he can get his free gift and download it to his computer.
This process is the foundation a successful web business. As soon as you start building your list like this, you then start introducing your list to paid products, your end products. If you spend some time giving away something of value for free at first, you have built trust with your list so you can send them other emails with other products to buy.
Conclusion Of How To Build A List For Free
Of course not everybody will buy your product, some people will just sign up, they will get their free download, then sign out: that is business... But you know what? A lot will buy, if you don't rush them, if you treat them as human, treat them as you would like to be treated instead of trying to sell something all the time.... Take your time to learn the process, learn the business, and you will see that building a list for free is not that complicated.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7021254
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