Thursday, 28 February 2013

How Do I Get Free Traffic to My Website?

The question "how do I get free traffic to my website?" is one that just about everyone who has a presence online asks at some point or another. If you are new to online marketing or are trying to make some money online, then you need to know the best ways to get that traffic, and you certainly do not want to pay for it.
Free traffic is the goal of every site owner, and knowing the best ways to access the millions of search engine users is a specific skill set. This skill set is something that you must hone, practice, and use each and every day. It is not a "set and forget" type thing, because web site owners that rely on one time methods quickly drop down the rankings and their page may disappear into obscurity. If you know how to attract traffic properly, you will soon see the flood gates open and your visitors will increase substantially.
The best thing about free traffic if done properly, is that you are receiving natural traffic, and targeted visitors. In answer to the question "how do I get free traffic to my website", you need to know a few facts. First of all, good keyword research is of the utmost importance. If you are not using targeted keywords, people will not be able to find you, because you will not be indexed properly in the search engines. Matching keywords in your domain name, your content and all tags is how your site is indexed, and this is very important. If this is a foreign language to you, then you should start at square one, and that is a good and trustworthy site where you can get a proper education in internet marketing, such as Wealthy Affiliate University.
Sites like this have the answer to that age old question "how do I get free traffic to my website?". They have various resources that will show you how to set up your website properly. They will educate you in the art of obtaining good backlinks through various methods. Do you know what a Squidoo is? This is a site where you publish a "lens" and it gets indexed fairly quickly into the search engines, especially Google. How does this help you? Normally, when a person publishes a lens, if the information is good, they can gain a bit of a "following". People will start to share a lens amongst the Squidoo community, and they may even bookmark it socially. If you can write some good information that is not too overly salesy, and people are interested in it, this can be like a home run as far as free traffic is concerned.

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How To Get Free Traffic To Website Pages Using Online Discussion Forums

Getting free traffic to website capture pages is one of the most complicated tasks for a new website manager. If your site is not being visited by people, then it will no longer stay in the top charts of popular search engines. Moreover, you will no longer have an opportunity of making money through your site. Today, forum posting has emerged as a quick and easy technique for getting visitors for your site. This article focuses on forum posting!
Search for online forums that are related to your website's text. Once you find the suitable forums, join them and start an individual thread. Let other users know about your presence. Start posting your thoughts, views, and if the rules allow...a short description about your website or blog. This is the quickest method of redirecting free traffic to website capture pages. You can also interact with other members of the forum. You might get an opportunity for exchanging backlinks with them!
Make sure that all your posts include your signature. Your signature should incorporate a precise message showing your website URL, essential keywords from your site and hyperlinks. You can also add hyperlinks to your targeted words. By clicking the underlined key phrase, a user will be directed to your web page. Isn't this a brilliant idea for redirecting free traffic to website capture pages?
However, you need to consider few things. Post relevant messages only. Once you start a thread, you should remain active there. For gaining popularity, you can start contests, offers, polls etc. Try to become popular on these forums. Participate in discussions pertaining to your niche.

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Free Traffic to Website - Explode Your Traffic to New Heights Overnight

I love to find ways to spread the word about my website to get free traffic. After all more free traffic to a website is really what internet marketing is all about. The more visitors you get to your website, the more potential customers you have. A great and really powerful way to get more traffic is through viral marketing. If done correctly, this can literally explode your traffic overnight.
Viral marketing is used to describe when a product or advertisement spreads very quickly around the internet. Something that "goes viral" has the potential to reach millions of people within a few days. It is called viral because it acts and spread the same way a virus does.
Look at the common flu virus. Once one person gets it, they can pass it on to more people. Then each of those people pass it on to more people. It keeps spreading out and soon everyone has the flu.
In marketing it works the same way. Let's look at an example. I find a funny video on YouTube and create a page on my site for it. I then send out an email to my friends. Five of my friends come to my site. So we are starting with five people. Now each of those friends then tells five friends. Now 25 new people have come to my site. Then each of those 25 people tell 5 people. That brings the total up to 125 new people. And once again each of them tells 5 people. Now 625 new people headed to my site. If they each told 5 people, that would bring my 3125 more visitors. And just one more. They tell five people and I get 15625 new visitors to my site.
I hope you see the huge potential here. You can quickly reach a huge number of people. Each of those people is a potential customer for you. Just imagine if each person in my example told 10 people. Here is something for you to think about. I recently read that the average Facebook user has 137 friends. So if they told each of their friends how many visitors do you think you would get to your website. You traffic stats would be off the charts.
Now that you understand how implementing viral advertising can get free traffic to a website, I'm sure you are wondering what kinds of things have the potential to "go viral." Unfortunately, you can never be sure what will go viral until you try it. I have had some videos I thought would go viral, and then nothing happened. While I have seen a couple of reports that I thought weren't all that good literally spread all over the internet.
There are many things that have the potential to go viral. Ebooks, videos, flash games, articles, news items, and gossip can all can go viral and drive free traffic to your website. Although it is possible, you will probably not hit a home run on your first try. Don't be discouraged. Keep trying until you get something to go viral.

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Five Tips To Get Website Traffic Fast

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Free Traffic to Website - Explode Your Traffic to New Heights Overnight

I love to find ways to spread the word about my website to get free traffic. After all more free traffic to a website is really what internet marketing is all about. The more visitors you get to your website, the more potential customers you have. A great and really powerful way to get more traffic is through viral marketing. If done correctly, this can literally explode your traffic overnight.
Viral marketing is used to describe when a product or advertisement spreads very quickly around the internet. Something that "goes viral" has the potential to reach millions of people within a few days. It is called viral because it acts and spread the same way a virus does.
Look at the common flu virus. Once one person gets it, they can pass it on to more people. Then each of those people pass it on to more people. It keeps spreading out and soon everyone has the flu.
In marketing it works the same way. Let's look at an example. I find a funny video on YouTube and create a page on my site for it. I then send out an email to my friends. Five of my friends come to my site. So we are starting with five people. Now each of those friends then tells five friends. Now 25 new people have come to my site. Then each of those 25 people tell 5 people. That brings the total up to 125 new people. And once again each of them tells 5 people. Now 625 new people headed to my site. If they each told 5 people, that would bring my 3125 more visitors. And just one more. They tell five people and I get 15625 new visitors to my site.
I hope you see the huge potential here. You can quickly reach a huge number of people. Each of those people is a potential customer for you. Just imagine if each person in my example told 10 people. Here is something for you to think about. I recently read that the average Facebook user has 137 friends. So if they told each of their friends how many visitors do you think you would get to your website. You traffic stats would be off the charts.
Now that you understand how implementing viral advertising can get free traffic to a website, I'm sure you are wondering what kinds of things have the potential to "go viral." Unfortunately, you can never be sure what will go viral until you try it. I have had some videos I thought would go viral, and then nothing happened. While I have seen a couple of reports that I thought weren't all that good literally spread all over the internet.
There are many things that have the potential to go viral. Ebooks, videos, flash games, articles, news items, and gossip can all can go viral and drive free traffic to your website. Although it is possible, you will probably not hit a home run on your first try. Don't be discouraged. Keep trying until you get something to go viral.

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3 Easy Ways to Create Backlinks and Get Free Traffic to Your Blog

When it comes to creating backlinks, most of us know it's important. But what most of us don't know are easy ways to do it. I have to confess, when I was getting started online I always knew I needed backlinks. But, getting them seemed like something only SEO gurus knew how to do.
Well, flash forward a few years later and I've cracked the code on some of the easiest and fastest ways to create backlinks and get traffic to your blog or website.
And that's an important point. While you're building your backlinks, it's definitely nice to get traffic as well. Beats waiting around for Google to find you and rank you decently for a well searched keyword phrase or term.
So, here are the 3 easy ways to get backlinks to your site and drive free traffic.
1) Leave Blog Comments On Other People's Blogs
This is one of the easiest strategies you can do. I once had a person doing this full time for one of my sites and I became a PR4 site quickly and got hundreds of unique visitors everyday.
But, if you're going to do this, let me let you in on a little secret. Make sure you target "DOFOLLOW" links. Let me explain.
Many sites are coded so that all links that point out have a tag that tells the search engines not to give credit to that link as a "true' backlink. Basically, it says "yeah we linked to them but they didn't earn it".
The search engine doesn't give you as much credit for these type of links. So the answer is to look for "DOFOLLOW" blogs that allow comments.
And how do you find these? Simple. A website already exists that you can use right now to find these blogs. The site is called DoFollow Diver. DoFollow Diver allows you to search for blogs that will count as a backlink for you. This is great. And it's free. So you really can't beat it. A good method is to find 5 websites each day and leave comments.
It shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes. And the more you do it, the better you'll get at it. You can also outsource this to someone else. Like, maybe even a neighborhood kid or your own kid.
So, to create backlinks and get traffic. Just look for topics related to your site or blog and leave a comment. Make sure it's a good comment. If you want to get a little sneaky, instead of leaving your name, you could put your keyword phrase in the name field.
And viola, you have created a backlink pointing your website. Now, keep doing it!
Here's the link to the website you can use to find related blogs that are dofollow:
2) Tap Into Traffic From YouTube With Your Own Link On Someone Else's Video
This is something I've just heard about and I'm definitely going to take part in it. All you do is look for current YouTube videos that are getting a lot of views.
Usually this will be on movie trailers, songs with lyrics attached, etc. You can also search for videos that have to do with your website or blog.
You're looking for a few key things:
a) No link in the description
b) At least 50,000 views so far
c) The traffic is on an upward growth
d) How relative is the video to your website*
This can all be seen instantly when you find the YouTube video. Once you've found a video, simply contact the person who put the video online.
Let them know you'd like to pay them money to put a link in their description. Some won't go for it, but many will. And before you think you have to spend a ton of money, think again.
The examples I've seen so far, people have been paying about $20 to get a link. This is a good backlink and as the traffic increases, you should see a steady growth of visitors.
*This type of traffic is best suited for broad offers like "make money", "weight loss", etc.
3) Ezine Marketing - Having People With A List Promote Your Website (and you!)
Did you know there are tens of thousands of ezines about all sorts of topics. Many are about your niche or website or blog. If you're unfamiliar with an ezine, it's just an online newsletter about a certain niche or topic. The equivalent of an online magazine.
All you have to do is find them and offer to provide free content to them, like an article or a video teaching something you know.
Many times, the people who run these ezines are starving for content and will gladly accept your article. What they get out of this is content for their list, and what you get is your website put in front of potentially thousands of people.
And here's the really cool part. Many ezine owners maintain a blog or website that houses prior issues. If they don't have this, suggest it to them. It will get them more traffic and grow their list.
So, if they accept your material, they will of course send it out to their list. But, if they also add your content to their website guess what you get?
An instant backlink.
And that's powerful. There's more than one ezine out there that you can work with too. Heck, you could probably even use the same content a few different times with different lists.
See the potential? You'll get traffic from the ezine when the newsletter goes out. You'll get traffic from the ezine owners website, and you'll get a backlink from their website that will help in your long term SEO plan.
So, there are 3 quick and easy ways to get traffic and backlinks. The key is to find out what you're best at and focus on that. Don't get scattered in too many areas. If you did these 3 things everyday, you'd be doing awesome.
So, get out there and get some traffic and backlinks.

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Monday, 25 February 2013

Getting Targeted Free Traffic

Most people would agree that getting people to your website is the most important thing an online business can do. When an online business is unable to get these important visitors they will quickly go out of business either from lack of sales of their products or from loss of advertising from businesses that advertise on their site. Paid advertising has traditionally been a popular way to draw visitors to a site but pay per click advertising can drain a companies marketing budget and is often ineffective when done the wrong way. Getting targeted free traffic should be considered when trying to increase the number of visitors to a website because like its name implies it is free.
Some people may say that the best way for getting targeted free traffic is through search engine optimization. Search engine optimization, while a great way to get more traffic to your site, is very difficult to do if you are unfamiliar with the processes and is very slow at producing results. People looking into getting targeted free traffic results quickly should not rely on search engine optimization, unless they are willing to outsource to companies who are trained and skilled in SEO.
Probably the only true way for getting target free traffic is by associating with blogs and social media sites that share a common theme with the website looking to target Internet traffic. The website owner will need to link their site on blogs, syndicate their posts through social bookmarking sites, ping their post, create and post a promo video, post articles on sites that manage web articles and create multiple variations of these articles. This will simulate search engine optimization and help bring free targeted traffic to your website.
Getting targeted free traffic is definitely not an easy task for website owners. This can be a difficult process and should be well thought out and planned before anything is implemented.

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Expert Advice - How to Build Free Traffic With Forums

Today I am going to give you tried and tested expert advice on how to build free traffic with forums and show you how easy it is to generate a constant flow of quality traffic to your website for only 30 minutes every day. All internet marketers need traffic, but sometimes we don't realize how easy it is to do marketing to our pages for free.
We don't need expensive PPC campaigns anymore. Google is making it really hard for us to get and to uphold a good quailty profitable campaign these days with all their changes to adwords. The clever marketer will never need to boost his traffic with PPC campaigns. That is if you know how to get free traffic and how to use it effectively.
Why forum marketing for free website traffic? Firstly, you don't need to spend a lot of time on forums to make this work. You can use as little as 30 minutes every day. Secondly, the traffic is highly targeted and converts well, if you do it right. Thirdly, it is a good source of backlinks for your website, and we all know getting backlinks are one of the biggest factors that Google are using determining the rankings in search engines.
Right, so how do we go about this and build free traffic with forums?
Here are a few quick steps:
1. Search on Google for forums in your niche. Look at their PR and Alexa ranking to see how good they are. Now choose few of the best ones and subscribe to them. If you are in the internet marketing niche, you will find that Warriors Forum and Digital point forum are a few of the best ones.
2. Now start making helpful comments. (don't create new posts yet) Do this for a few days and build up a good reputation. If you don't know that much, face it till you make it.
3. ) After a week or so, go to your control panel for every forum and change your signature. Your signature should be short, eye catching and will want to make people click on it. Put a link in that directs to your page. (opt in page or landing page)
4.) Now that you have a great forum signature, start creating your own posts and keep on giving helpful comments to other posts. Take at least 30 minutes everyday, quickly logging into your favourite forums and creating a few posts and commenting on a few ones. Try and focus on posts that have something to do with your product or your free give aways in your forum signature. This will make sure that more people click on your signature link.
5.) Keep doing this every day, and feel free to experiment with different forum signatures and even different forums. Slowly you build quality backlinks and you will see how the short term traffic also keeps getting in every day. If you can create good articles and posts on the forums, they could rank well on Google too, so keep at it.
Well, now you know how to build free traffic with forums marketing. The hits you generate will keep flowing in as long as you keep it up and you will find that they convert quite well. I easily get 10+ opt ins every day doing this exact same thing.

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Myth - Get Rich Quick Online And Myth - Free Traffic

Every once in a while you'll hear a story about somebody that went from $0 to $1,000,000 in one month. Number one, that's a 1 in 1 million shot, or maybe even 1 in 5 million. The odds of winning your local lottery are better than hitting it like that. The second thing to remember is that normally when something like that happens, the person is very well-connected. They end up doing some kind of a joint venture with somebody who is very well-connected, may already have a list of 100,000 people and it makes it very easy to generate that higher dollar. If you're doing this on your own and you don't already personally know someone that's making a million dollars a year online, it's not going to happen overnight. You're going to have to do it the hard way, and that means you're going to have to build a website, you're going to have to build subscribers, and you're going to have to create products that meet their needs.
The second myth is the myth of free traffic. This becomes more important to me every day because we hear all of this about free traffic. You can do this to get to get free traffic; you can do that to get free traffic. People even say that article marketing is free traffic, and for me it's not free traffic. It costs me $4000 a month. Even when I was writing them all myself so they didn't actually cost me dollars, I spent 20 or 30 hours a week on my article marketing and I could've been out working a full-time job making $100,000 grand a year. Really, those articles cost me $5000 a month even when I was writing them myself because I chose to write articles full-time to generate traffic rather than work a day job.
Any sort of traffic that you have, it's not free traffic. Even search engine traffic - people make such a deal about how search engine traffic is free. Search engine traffic's not free! You have to spend time and energy and money building links into your site. You've got to get Google to recognize you. You've got to get Yahoo! to recognize you. You've got to get the other search engines to recognize you. Whether you spend money or you spend time, you're spending something. Whether you spend $1000 a month generating traffic or you choose to forego getting a part-time job in the evenings and instead you work online generating traffic, either way it's costing you something. It's costing you time which is money or it's costing you real money. Don't get me wrong. I generate 18,000 or so visitors every single month, and maybe 200 of them I didn't really have anything to do with those people coming there except for the fact that I've 17,800 other visitors and when you do that you have some spillover. That traffic's not really free anyway. The price of it is absorbed in all of the other traffic that I do.

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How to Get Free Traffic For your website, blog or content

Saturday, 23 February 2013

9 Ways to Make a Profit With Traffic Building

1. Create a good website - You can make a profit with traffic building with a professional looking website. Create an attractive and professional website to attract more and more traffic. Fast traffic building is not a problem with a website with good look.

2. Ezine - Ezines will help you to circulate your articles to different readers at different places. By this you can reach out to more and more readers and so fast traffic building is possible.

3. Submit to directories - Submission of articles and websites to directories will make them easily accessible to traffic. They will come to your website through the directories and articles.

4. Submit to search engine - Submitting to search engines is a very useful way for fast traffic building. Search engines make websites available to all the readers and visitors who come to the search engine searching for something related.

5. Article Marketing - Go for article marketing to build traffic and to benefit from it. More traffic means more business and more customers for your articles. You will get more projects for your writing through article marketing.

6. Online Advertising - Offline advertising will get you more and more profit when you have more traffic. Online advertisers will come to you for placing their advertisements on your site.

7. Get a good rank in a search engines - A good rank in the search engine will help you in fast traffic building. More traffic will some with a better ranking.

8. Blog- Traffic building will get you more profit in blogging also. When you have more traffic, more advertisement and more links will be placed on your blogs. You will earn more.

9. Forum - You will get traffic from your forums also. Links in the forums and in forum posting will help to get more traffic.

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Friday, 22 February 2013

Myth - Get Rich Quick Online And Myth - Free Traffic

Every once in a while you'll hear a story about somebody that went from $0 to $1,000,000 in one month. Number one, that's a 1 in 1 million shot, or maybe even 1 in 5 million. The odds of winning your local lottery are better than hitting it like that. The second thing to remember is that normally when something like that happens, the person is very well-connected. They end up doing some kind of a joint venture with somebody who is very well-connected, may already have a list of 100,000 people and it makes it very easy to generate that higher dollar. If you're doing this on your own and you don't already personally know someone that's making a million dollars a year online, it's not going to happen overnight. You're going to have to do it the hard way, and that means you're going to have to build a website, you're going to have to build subscribers, and you're going to have to create products that meet their needs.
The second myth is the myth of free traffic. This becomes more important to me every day because we hear all of this about free traffic. You can do this to get to get free traffic; you can do that to get free traffic. People even say that article marketing is free traffic, and for me it's not free traffic. It costs me $4000 a month. Even when I was writing them all myself so they didn't actually cost me dollars, I spent 20 or 30 hours a week on my article marketing and I could've been out working a full-time job making $100,000 grand a year. Really, those articles cost me $5000 a month even when I was writing them myself because I chose to write articles full-time to generate traffic rather than work a day job.
Any sort of traffic that you have, it's not free traffic. Even search engine traffic - people make such a deal about how search engine traffic is free. Search engine traffic's not free! You have to spend time and energy and money building links into your site. You've got to get Google to recognize you. You've got to get Yahoo! to recognize you. You've got to get the other search engines to recognize you. Whether you spend money or you spend time, you're spending something. Whether you spend $1000 a month generating traffic or you choose to forego getting a part-time job in the evenings and instead you work online generating traffic, either way it's costing you something. It's costing you time which is money or it's costing you real money. Don't get me wrong. I generate 18,000 or so visitors every single month, and maybe 200 of them I didn't really have anything to do with those people coming there except for the fact that I've 17,800 other visitors and when you do that you have some spillover. That traffic's not really free anyway. The price of it is absorbed in all of the other traffic that I do.

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Organic Search Engine Marketing - Generating Free Traffic

Organic search engine marketing seems to be something that is not only overlooked for the free traffic it generates, but for the most part looked down upon by many of the so-called "get rich quick software" creators. Here is a simple overview of organic marketing and the truth behind how easy it truly is to create free leads with this platform.
Organic search engine marketing is actually the easiest way to generate free traffic to any business or website, even in this era of the so called "push button get rich quick" product and software launch times we see. There are a plethora of programs online touting that with this magical piece of software you can literally drive massive traffic to your site it true? If it were there would be a booming economy online and offline. As of now many of us who have found success online have yet to truly see even scores of people get rich quick without solid Internet and online marketing skills that have been practiced and developed over time.
Free methods of marketing have always been the most viral and most effective way to drive not only a solid amount of traffic, but a targeted traffic. ARTICLE MARKETING, VIDEO MARKETING, SOCIAL BOOKMARKING, SOCIAL MEDIA and BLOGGING are the most effective ways to not only get traffic, but can be viral creating massive backlinks.
Online marketing does have a learning curve and there truly is no automated piece of software out there that will get you "rich quick". This takes time and the application of the knowledge you gain each and every day. Is this complicated work? By no means, it is simple and does literally take an hour or two a day to creates a solid stream of traffic for you and your business or opportunity online. This online marketing platform is unique that it is completely targeted for results, not just pasta at the wall.
Organic search engine marketing can not only generate free traffic for you, but can also be a lasting way of creating the prospects and or clients you need online. While there are a few who scream that this type of marketing is not needed and only their secret automated formula will work, proof is in the pudding when you are on top of the search engine collecting traffic each and every day.

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Best Ways to Generate Free Traffic - 5 Easy Ways to Generate Free Traffic Quickly

What are the best ways to generate free traffic? It is a question the vast majority of website owners have asked themselves at one time or another. It is the dilemma that faces anyone who is looking to market their site. If you are reading this, you may be asking the same question yourself today. Here are some of the best and easy to implement ways to start to generate free traffic quickly.
1. Social Networking The advent of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others have made staying in touch with people in general as easy as it has ever been. Promote your new site and/or products using these sites for quick results. A word of caution not oversell on these sites or your audience will simply tune you out. Try to stay at a ratio of about 70% sharing information relative to your industry and only about 30% selling your product.
2. Article Marketing A very effective way to generate free traffic. It takes some rolling up of your sleeves and a workman-like effort, but when done properly it is a very effective method both short and long term. There are many, many article directories out there that you can submit to for free, such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleAlley, ArticlesBase, and many more.
3. Forum Marketing Simply do a Google search for a keyword from your industry or niche + forum and you will find forums related to your site. Find ones that have significant traffic and sign up for them. Participate and answer threads with relevant posts of your own. You can include a link back to your site within your signature box in most forums, which will drive traffic back to your site. Take care not to spam these sites, as you will lose all credibility and in some cases lose your membership to the forum.
4. Press Releases One way to generate free traffic quickly is to create a press release. There are numerous free press release sites out there that you can submit to, including, MediaSyndicate, and NewswireToday just to name a few.
5. Yahoo Answers This is a very under-rated method a receiving traffic back to your site. Find questions posed that are relevant to your industry and things that you are familiar with. Answer many of these questions and particularly when your answer is voted as the best, you receive even more exposure. Again, do not spam and this is effective.

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How To Get Traffic To Your Website Fast (Free & Easy!)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Getting Targeted Free Traffic

Most people would agree that getting people to your website is the most important thing an online business can do. When an online business is unable to get these important visitors they will quickly go out of business either from lack of sales of their products or from loss of advertising from businesses that advertise on their site. Paid advertising has traditionally been a popular way to draw visitors to a site but pay per click advertising can drain a companies marketing budget and is often ineffective when done the wrong way. Getting targeted free traffic should be considered when trying to increase the number of visitors to a website because like its name implies it is free.
Some people may say that the best way for getting targeted free traffic is through search engine optimization. Search engine optimization, while a great way to get more traffic to your site, is very difficult to do if you are unfamiliar with the processes and is very slow at producing results. People looking into getting targeted free traffic results quickly should not rely on search engine optimization, unless they are willing to outsource to companies who are trained and skilled in SEO.
Probably the only true way for getting target free traffic is by associating with blogs and social media sites that share a common theme with the website looking to target Internet traffic. The website owner will need to link their site on blogs, syndicate their posts through social bookmarking sites, ping their post, create and post a promo video, post articles on sites that manage web articles and create multiple variations of these articles. This will simulate search engine optimization and help bring free targeted traffic to your website.
Getting targeted free traffic is definitely not an easy task for website owners. This can be a difficult process and should be well thought out and planned before anything is implemented.

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Free Traffic Strategy Often Requires More Time And Effort In Return

We normally hear this oft-repeated reminder about our Internet marketing efforts - Traffic is the lynchpin of Internet marketing. It is the lifeblood of our online business and it can make or break whatever online campaigns you are engaged in. This is one of the critical elements of the business, whether it is a new or start-up venture or a company that owns a Website that has already existed for some time.
Most companies will have to include in their range of concerns the free traffic that could contribute in the achievement of company's strategic goals and objectives. In most cases, those "free lunches" become part of the overall traffic generation strategy of the business.
We have to remember that there will always be some trade-offs when you opt for something that is free. While it doesn't cost the company anything when it comes to money spent, a free traffic strategy would require a significant amount of time and effort, and you have to understand that these variables will have intrinsic value depending on the nature of your business and your extent of involvement in running the business.
Will Free Traffic Help Your Business
What you must determine when creating a traffic generation strategy for your business is whether such strategy will get you the targeted or relevant traffic or not. Regardless, of the amount of traffic that you are generating, if you are way off your target conversion rate for your website, then you are at the losing end even if you are using free traffic strategy.
When it comes to Internet marketing, it is extremely crucial that you are getting relevant traffic to your website. Of course, by the rule of averages, you need to increase traffic to improve your chances of generating more sales. However, you need to ensure that you get the most sales for a certain volume of traffic for your online business, for the free traffic that you have for your online business is not actually free in the strictest sense of the word. You spend time and effort to meet your targets and this means that such strategy have its opportunity cost.
There are a lot of traffic generation techniques and strategies that you can adopt for your business, both the paid and free ones. However, you have to remember that free traffic is not necessarily better than the paid options only because the former does not involve any cash disbursements. The truth is that in some instances, paid traffic generation strategies can be more "cost-effective" than free traffic strategies.

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Organic Search Engine Marketing - Generating Free Traffic

Organic search engine marketing seems to be something that is not only overlooked for the free traffic it generates, but for the most part looked down upon by many of the so-called "get rich quick software" creators. Here is a simple overview of organic marketing and the truth behind how easy it truly is to create free leads with this platform.
Organic search engine marketing is actually the easiest way to generate free traffic to any business or website, even in this era of the so called "push button get rich quick" product and software launch times we see. There are a plethora of programs online touting that with this magical piece of software you can literally drive massive traffic to your site it true? If it were there would be a booming economy online and offline. As of now many of us who have found success online have yet to truly see even scores of people get rich quick without solid Internet and online marketing skills that have been practiced and developed over time.
Free methods of marketing have always been the most viral and most effective way to drive not only a solid amount of traffic, but a targeted traffic. ARTICLE MARKETING, VIDEO MARKETING, SOCIAL BOOKMARKING, SOCIAL MEDIA and BLOGGING are the most effective ways to not only get traffic, but can be viral creating massive backlinks.
Online marketing does have a learning curve and there truly is no automated piece of software out there that will get you "rich quick". This takes time and the application of the knowledge you gain each and every day. Is this complicated work? By no means, it is simple and does literally take an hour or two a day to creates a solid stream of traffic for you and your business or opportunity online. This online marketing platform is unique that it is completely targeted for results, not just pasta at the wall.
Organic search engine marketing can not only generate free traffic for you, but can also be a lasting way of creating the prospects and or clients you need online. While there are a few who scream that this type of marketing is not needed and only their secret automated formula will work, proof is in the pudding when you are on top of the search engine collecting traffic each and every day.

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How to get Traffic on your Website

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Twitter Targeted Traffic - Quick Twitter Traffic Strategy

Is lack of enough traffic killing your website or online business? Sometime we just forgot that there are some quick traffic generation methods we can use anytime to drive some free targeted traffic to our sites. Sometime we just need some visitors to test new thing we just launched. I will share a free traffic method you can use in this case which does not cost any money.
There are my top quick methods you can use to bring traffic but today i want to share Twitter traffic and marketing strategy with you which you can always use to bring related targeted visitors and quick traffic to any of your website. It does not matter if your website is even ONE day old.
If you ask me how to drive traffic from Twitter Fast, I will say: Just Tweet. You may say it does not work. You are right! Because you need to have a good account with actual users (who are interested in your topic) following you.
Having simple Twitter account and posting a tweet is not going to bring you any traffic until you apply the little secret I am going to share with you to make this work for you.
Trick is to first add as many as interested people in your account for the topic or niche related to your website. You can simply go to simple Twitter Search and search for the keywords for your market like if your site related to "Website Promotion", you should search for Traffic, Web promotion, increase web traffic and so far... (To get actual hot keywords in your market visit Google Keyword tool and using your base keyword get all related key terms people are using to search for information in your market.)
Then you start following the Twitter users you get in those search results. Most of them will start following you back. Now you have some followers following you. Now you can tweet about your website and drive some of those to your site quickly.
Also remember you have to post multiple tweets in different time spans so you get attention of all of Twitter followers in your account as Twitter is quick wheel like machine running fast you need to post your tweet few times to get noticed by most of the Twitter users following you.
There is one advice you must follow to make your Twitter account an asset and future traffic generation machine on demand. Advice is to post often, post non promotion related tweets often and also keep adding more and more followers by using the related search term in Twitter and following as many as users regularly.
I conclude this by summarizing the how to steps you can take now to start benefiting from this free traffic method. Have a Twitter account. Search for the related keywords in Twitter. Click on the usernames of Twitter users you find in that search. Click Follow and follow as many as you would like. Then keep posting tweets promotional as well as educational.
Remember the key for success with Twitter is to have a balance between educational and promotional tweets. Post tweets multiple times on different time of the day. Keep adding more and more followers to grow your Twitter traffic machine for targeted traffic.

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Tips to Driving Free Traffic to Your Website

Have you been wondering how you can direct quick free traffic straight to your website? Well, if your answer is yes, you are in the right place.
You will be happy to know that there are quite a number of ways to direct free traffic to your website very quickly and also getting the best results possible, while maximising your time as well. In order for you to make money online, directing traffic to your site is the only way for you to do this. Therefore, this is the most crucial part to your marketing campaign and you have to ensure that you get it right.
The top three ways to direct quick free traffic to your website is listed below:
The very first and most popular one that is being used more and more these days is article marketing. There are always people looking for very valuable information online and no matter your area of business, there will be someone out there to read about it. Therefore, writing unique articles in your business niche will have you ranked highly in search engines; therefore, directing free traffic to your website.
Figure out what people want to know and provide them with that information. So, say for example you are in the weight loss industry, you can always write an article on how to lose weight quickly because that is what your target audience would want to know or if you are into the working from home area, you can always write an article on tips to making money from your blog. Whatever, your niche, you can provide your target audience with very invaluable information and after reading; they might link to your site just to find out more.
You should also know that SEO is very crucial to your article marketing and that the chosen keywords should be found in your article at least three times, so that they can be easily found by search engines. However, you should always remember to link back to your website in order for people to easily find it.
The second most effective way to generate quick free traffic to your website or blog is to do effective link-building. This is done by visiting blogs that are in the same niche as you and leave valuable comments on these blogs, while leaving a link back to yours. Remember to only leave valuable comments that readers will want to read and will entice them to link back to your blog.
The final tip to directing free traffic to your website is to get a blog. By creating a blog, you are building your credibility and your reputation and you will be directing persons back to your site.

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Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

WordPress Social Media Traffic Plugin: The Best In Social Marketing Tools To Improve Your Traffic

Social networking sites have paved the way for online marketers to promote their products and services to their clients. Before, using SEO methods is enough but it has been found out in recent studies that using social networking sites is better when it comes to increasing the traffic of your WordPress blog. Traditionally, you will need to log in everyday in order to update your social networking site with what is going on in your blog. Moreover, you need to manually post the links and messages on your social media site just so people will be able to see you which are a rather daunting task. However, with the creating of social marketing tools like the WordPress social media traffic plugin, updating becomes automatic and you don't need to log in all the time to update your blog.
To use these social media tools to update your WordPress blog, all you need to do is to install the plugin and let it work automatically for you. in most cases, the plugin allows you to schedule what time of the day you want your updates and links posted on your social networking site. You can also create professionally-made messages and post it on your account to let your clients and readers know what you have in store for them. By getting the attention of your client, you can improve your site's traffic which can then be translated in high sales for your site. By using this social media traffic marketing tool properly, you will be able to get the right amount of traffic that you need for your site all the time.
Now when you decide to use social media tools, it is important that you use only what will give you the best results. Among the many Social Marketing Tools that are available to date, using the WordPress Traffic Plugin will give you the best performance for your WordPress blog. Aside from getting the plugin, you also get more from this particular tool.
The first thing that you are going to get from this tool is the access to the social media cheat sheets for free which allows you to learn the tricks of the trade without following a long process. The cheat sheet is a shortcut on how you can maximize your potential when it comes to using this traffic marketing tool. The other bonuses that you can get include the video tutorials and lifetime updates for free which will allow you to reach your maximum potential as an online marketer.

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Friday, 15 February 2013

Generating Website Traffic Through Social Media

Most people have heard about social media but they usually do not know what it means. Well, social media is actually all about traffic. It is a technique based on acquiring a lot of traffic on the net via talking to a lot of web surfers. It is like selling some products door to door but in terms of the internet, other users would be texting or emailing other users. If you ever heard of spam mail before then you already have an idea about social media. There are a lot of ways to attract some potential customers and when you use these techniques, you can direct a lot of traffic to your site. Since the web is a big market, it also has a lot of advertising strategies applicable to it.
One of the most common social media tool to attract potential customers is through email. Before, people who are selling products would usually send some brochures or pamphlets on your mail but now it is through email. Anonymous users would often send articles or some advertisement to your email. As you read through that email, a tag or link is usually embedded on it. Sometimes, the tag is a small blue line on your email. Other emails would include a picture and if you click that picture, you would be redirected to a site. Social media is actually one of the most common ways to generate traffic to a website. Since people would often click that picture or link, they are redirected to that certain site.
If you want to direct more traffic to your site then social media is for you. The only catch is that most email owners have their own filter system. If they think that you are constantly bugging their inbox with useless mail then they can block your email. If they blocked you, you would not have the chance to send them email so be careful. Some sites have their own filter system too. If they consider your emails to be spam, then they would usually direct your mail to a spam folder. If you consider using this technique then be sure not to pester someone's inbox with dozens of email.

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Discover These Social Media Marketing Tips For Success

Before beginning a social media marketing campaign you should consider purchasing guides to lead you in the right direction. A guide includes information about the leading social media sites. It will give you all that you need to know from the basics of setting up a page to strategies to increasing traffic.
If you are looking to use Twitter as a social media marketing method, make sure that you choose an username that displays well and is easy to remember. This username should get the point of your company across, but should also be easy to remember. Don't choose usernames like TommyXo1009. No one will remember it and it is likely irrelevant to your company's name.
If you need to establish an email mailing list, using a social media site is a great way to do it. Get your followers and fans to provide an email address to you for future mailings in exchange for an entry into a contest where prizes and discounts will be given away.
Be interactive on your Facebook page. If all you ever do is post, post, and post some more, then people will get tired of you quickly. If you ask interesting questions, engage consumers in conversation, and respond to their posts, then your posts will become more appealing every time.
To make sure your social media page appeals to your target audience, research books, magazines, and other things you believe they'd enjoy. Try to match the tone of the content you see in your research, and incorporate popular phrases. Doing this will help your target market to trust you and will make them interested in what you have to say.
Create an open forum in which you allow customers to be part of your creative process. You will be surprised at how well your customer base can help you brainstorm an idea, create the "blueprint", and lay out the best implementation of the idea. When you have this kind of input coming from your customers, it is safe to assume they will buy when launched.
Use a variety of media to stimulate your potential customers when social media marketing. Having pictures, video, and games can increase the appeal of your page a great deal to those who make their way to it. Everyone has a different way they prefer to take in information, and using variety will allow you to reach them all.
You want to create an individual style on your social media profiles, but don't become too engulfed in one that you neglect the rest. It is important to have a presence across the entire web, as compared to only a really strong base at one end or the other. Give each profile the time of day and utilize what makes them unique. This will drive in traffic from many more sources and refrain from drying up as quickly.
When you set up your Twitter account, use a background that is suitable to your business. This may take a few extra minutes but, it will give your customers a sense of who you are. Remember that it is the attention to detail that sets apart the most successful in life.
Make consistent appearances on your social media site. Make sure that you write regularly, this will cause people to want to visit your page often so they can keep up to date with your posts. Make sure what you write about is relevant and factual. No ones wants to read random information, it should pertain to your business.
Add relevant tags to your Youtube videos. They will be more likely to come up in searches linked to your products. You could use keyword tools to find out which keywords are popular among your target audience. Remember that your audience will be more likely to share something if they find it relevant to what they were looking for.
Have a goal for your social media marketing campaign. You need to set a goal of why you are stepping into the social media market. Do you want to be on the cutting edge of marketing for boosting sales, or do you truly want to have a more powerful relationship and engage with your customers? Setting a goal before starting can direct you towards the best strategies to achieve them.
The key to being successful using social media marketing is to have excellent content. This content has to be inspiring, educational, and interesting so that your followers will want to share it. When they share your content, you and your business are being exposed to new potential followers who may also share your content and build your social media presence.
Create useful content by interviewing an expert in something related to your products. Post your interview on YouTube and share it on social media. This is the kind of content your followers will love to share with their friends. Make sure you choose an interesting interviewee and ask relevant questions.
As you can see, social media marketing involves a lot of thought and planning, but it can also be very rewarding. With the tips you've read here, you can revolutionize your business and get lots of new customers. Keep this information in mind when designing your social media strategy.

Social Media Marketing Killer Tips to Drive More Traffic in 2013

If you are not sure where to start with Social Media marketing, this article will show you ways how to attract more visitors to your website and increase your rankings. This will help you to establish your online presence on a social networks and boost your website's rankings in search engines.
Social networks are becoming more popular every day. Social media marketing is a great way to promote your business website through various networks.
YouTube Channel
One of the most important things is to create your business YouTube channel. There you can post videos related to your niche. You can also set up your YT account in advanced ways. This way your videos can be posted on social networks immediately. This is a great time saving option and it also prevents you from forgetting to update your website.
Be Social. Be Personal
In order to drive more traffic and increase the number of visits to your website directly from your social media marketing strategy, you need to post your content more often. It needs to be unique, also with great information provided in the content. When a visitor sees your post on a social networks every other day, it is enough they bookmark your website or visit your social network account more often. Be careful with the posting - don't post too much on a daily basis, because you don't want your visitors get annoyed with your posts. Create a relationship between you and the visitors This is the great way to turn your visitors to your customers/ clients. You want to make your brand feel trustworthy in their eyes.
You can also use social networks to direct visitors to your website. Social media marketing strategy is a great way to lead to a direct sale to your website. You can't sale directly through your social network profiles, but you can promote the sales pages on your website. Many people are making the same mistake - they are promoting their sales pages directly through social networks. Instead of it, write a great blog post about the product you are promoting. Write an honest review and put your affiliate link in the text a few times. Then promote that blog post on a social networks. This is a right way to do it.
Take Care about Your Potential Customers
The most important part of Social media marketing is to keep data about reviews, comments and blogs related to your niche and especially related to your business. You can find great time saving tools to do that on the Internet, such as You can also set up Google Alerts to be constantly informed about new things in your niche.
These are just a few tips about how to use social media networks for promoting your affiliate or a small business website. There are many money making ideas which you can implement to your strategy in order to make even more money. I hope you will use this advice to increase the number of visits to your website through social media marketing.

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Using Social Media Marketing For Website Traffic

In order to promote your business and get more website traffic, use social media marketing. Social media marketing for website traffic could be both advantageous and profitable. Start a buzz on social media websites by writing about what people care about, and share your ideas with like-minded individuals. Some of the most popular social media websites include Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, LinkedIn and MySpace.
When you write about something that interests people, you have a better chance of receiving more website traffic. Spread any news, links and current events on social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook to incorporate other small business website owners into a web of followers.
My general rule for posting on social media websites is to avoid too much self promotion in order to offer a great deal to others without seeming like spam. Keep your self promoting links down to around 2 instances out of 10 so you won't seem like you are only there to generate business for yourself, but to meet new people.
When networking in social media, a few common rules of etiquette should be followed. Speak to your social peers without flowery language in a matter-of-fact verbage. When posting about interesting links, use catchy titles that draw the reader in. Make your post titles answer the question, "Why should I read this and can I get something useful out of it?"
Another important rule to follow is that you shouldn't build yourself up so much that you tear down your competition. Never criticize others in the same line of business as you. Act professionally and try to keep your posts as business related as possible. Write simple enough so that anyone would understand, but involved enough so others know you are qualified in your business niche.
Share interesting links you find that have to do with the business you are in. When you write in Twitter and even Facebook, Google is indexing your post in the search engine index. Use this to your advantage to post on the subject that is most suitable for your business to let search engines understand you are rather involved in your occupation.
Try to keep it friendly and social, but don't post about your trivial day-to-day events. Don't mention the bananas in your cereal, or where you are at every moment of the day. These types of practices could dilute your social networking content.
Using social media marketing to promote your small business website is a natural method to build your online presence. I always felt, why should business owners pay for links to their website when you can be promote yourself for free with little effort. Just as pay per click may work for some business owners, but unless you are getting huge amounts of traffic, the payoff is usually nominal.
If your business has a website, blog and online e-commerce, then social media marketing could be a good choice when you don't want to spend money to get customers. Having an online presence is only beneficial if your business is getting regular visitors and traffic. Promoting your website and blog on social media platforms only takes time instead of money, and the idea of driving traffic to your website is to answer a question for your website visitor: "What can this company do for me?"
Your website needs to aid your potential customers understand how your products and services can make their lives easier. Lay out the benefits of your company to draw in your traffic and make them interested in your business niche.
Twitter and Facebook have lately been cornering the market on social media networking. Being the most popular social media websites, the number of Twitter and Facebook users are well into the millions. Facebook has around 320 million users to date, and Twitter has a reported number somewhere between 6 to 14 million accounts.
Take advantage of social media marketing for bringing more traffic and potential customers to your small business website. Incorporate social networking into your online presence, and use social media marketing to promote yourself and drive traffic to your website today.

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Thursday, 14 February 2013

WordPress Social Media Traffic Plugin: The Best In Social Marketing Tools To Improve Your Traffic

Social networking sites have paved the way for online marketers to promote their products and services to their clients. Before, using SEO methods is enough but it has been found out in recent studies that using social networking sites is better when it comes to increasing the traffic of your WordPress blog. Traditionally, you will need to log in everyday in order to update your social networking site with what is going on in your blog. Moreover, you need to manually post the links and messages on your social media site just so people will be able to see you which are a rather daunting task. However, with the creating of social marketing tools like the WordPress social media traffic plugin, updating becomes automatic and you don't need to log in all the time to update your blog.
To use these social media tools to update your WordPress blog, all you need to do is to install the plugin and let it work automatically for you. in most cases, the plugin allows you to schedule what time of the day you want your updates and links posted on your social networking site. You can also create professionally-made messages and post it on your account to let your clients and readers know what you have in store for them. By getting the attention of your client, you can improve your site's traffic which can then be translated in high sales for your site. By using this social media traffic marketing tool properly, you will be able to get the right amount of traffic that you need for your site all the time.
Now when you decide to use social media tools, it is important that you use only what will give you the best results. Among the many Social Marketing Tools that are available to date, using the WordPress Traffic Plugin will give you the best performance for your WordPress blog. Aside from getting the plugin, you also get more from this particular tool.
The first thing that you are going to get from this tool is the access to the social media cheat sheets for free which allows you to learn the tricks of the trade without following a long process. The cheat sheet is a shortcut on how you can maximize your potential when it comes to using this traffic marketing tool. The other bonuses that you can get include the video tutorials and lifetime updates for free which will allow you to reach your maximum potential as an online marketer.

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The Power of Social Media to Attract Traffic on a Website

Social media is one powerful tool. The best part is that instead of brushing it off just as a myth on the web, organizations are sitting up and taking note of the effect that social media can have on projects and promotions. Social media has grown from a concept into a colossal force on the web and has been turning organizations up and down for the past some time. It has emerged as one of the latest weapons to drive traffic to websites and has been very influential in taking optimization campaigns to unimaginable heights. Internets marketing service providers and SEO consultants have been making tremendous usage of social media to give their services an added shot in the arm. These SEO experts explore all facets of social media like blogs, forums, discussion rooms, video and photo sharing websites to create the requisite buzz.
Social media offers great scope to drive traffic towards websites. Blogs are web rooms where people come and express their views sands inhibitions. The same goes for forums and for discussion rooms where debates on topics go on and on and attract lots of writers. These podiums are utilized to the optimum by professionals where the product/service can be marketed cleverly. Micro blogging websites like Twitter and yammer are used for crisp promotions where cheesy one lines do the job. Offshore SEO service providers also use social networking websites like LinkedIn and Facebook where millions of users across the world come and connect with each other.
Bookmarks also prove to be a source to drive traffic. These bookmarks are links in a certain sense that direct users to the parent resource. Multimedia portals where photographs, videos and live streaming can be done are again a big hit where the website can be promoted with tremendous visual effects that have a sort of robust impact on viewers. MouthShut and epinions are two portals that have thousands of users pouring in to express their pleasure or their displeasure towards something they experienced. This way, they also get compelled to write on the concerned website, which invariably results in more publicity.
Agencies providing link building services and SEO services include social media as an integral part of their campaigns. For the fact that social media is one world of online socializing makes it very crucial to be utilized which service providers do not miss out on by any stretch of imagination. SEO consultants are aware of the impact that social media has as we undoubtedly are a part of the world where the web has a huge impact on our decision making process. We get influenced by all the marketing promotions we see on various portals and subsequently, our decisions are based on them. Hence, websites get the leverage to drive traffic towards them through enthralling and eye catching promotions high on impact that have substance to influence opinions.

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