Monday, 25 February 2013

Myth - Get Rich Quick Online And Myth - Free Traffic

Every once in a while you'll hear a story about somebody that went from $0 to $1,000,000 in one month. Number one, that's a 1 in 1 million shot, or maybe even 1 in 5 million. The odds of winning your local lottery are better than hitting it like that. The second thing to remember is that normally when something like that happens, the person is very well-connected. They end up doing some kind of a joint venture with somebody who is very well-connected, may already have a list of 100,000 people and it makes it very easy to generate that higher dollar. If you're doing this on your own and you don't already personally know someone that's making a million dollars a year online, it's not going to happen overnight. You're going to have to do it the hard way, and that means you're going to have to build a website, you're going to have to build subscribers, and you're going to have to create products that meet their needs.
The second myth is the myth of free traffic. This becomes more important to me every day because we hear all of this about free traffic. You can do this to get to get free traffic; you can do that to get free traffic. People even say that article marketing is free traffic, and for me it's not free traffic. It costs me $4000 a month. Even when I was writing them all myself so they didn't actually cost me dollars, I spent 20 or 30 hours a week on my article marketing and I could've been out working a full-time job making $100,000 grand a year. Really, those articles cost me $5000 a month even when I was writing them myself because I chose to write articles full-time to generate traffic rather than work a day job.
Any sort of traffic that you have, it's not free traffic. Even search engine traffic - people make such a deal about how search engine traffic is free. Search engine traffic's not free! You have to spend time and energy and money building links into your site. You've got to get Google to recognize you. You've got to get Yahoo! to recognize you. You've got to get the other search engines to recognize you. Whether you spend money or you spend time, you're spending something. Whether you spend $1000 a month generating traffic or you choose to forego getting a part-time job in the evenings and instead you work online generating traffic, either way it's costing you something. It's costing you time which is money or it's costing you real money. Don't get me wrong. I generate 18,000 or so visitors every single month, and maybe 200 of them I didn't really have anything to do with those people coming there except for the fact that I've 17,800 other visitors and when you do that you have some spillover. That traffic's not really free anyway. The price of it is absorbed in all of the other traffic that I do.

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