Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Drive Social Traffic To Your Website

Why is it so important to learn how to increase website traffic? Without traffic, your business website cannot make you money or reach the customers who are looking for your products or services. Fortunately, social networking sites can help.
Many people use websites and blogs as a way to create a passive form of income or to promote their offline business. In order to do this, they spend some time creating good content, linking and perhaps adding some affiliate programs to the mix.
When it is all done, however, you still need one very important thing-traffic!
You can have the best website in the world filled with relevant content but if no one ever sees it, there will be no monetary results. This is one area where social media can help increase website traffic.
If you are going to do anything with your business on the web, you should have a Twitter account. If you have never used Twitter, it is a social media platform in which you gather followers and follow your favorite posters. These can be your neighbor, best friend, celebrity or just someone you happened across on the internet.
Once you have an account you post little bits of information or direct them to helpful information on your website. If the content is interesting to your followers, you will soon find a good deal of increased traffic on your website.
Research also shows that people are more likely to buy products and services from a company that they follow on Twitter. This makes it a very attractive marketing tool.
The most-popular social platform today is Facebook. If you are participating in online marketing, this platform could be very helpful to your success. Start out by creating your profile and ideally a business page that highlights your product or website.
Next begin gathering friends; these will be people that can view your profile, comment on your page and best of all check out all the new stuff on your company website. This method alone can drive tremendous amounts of traffic to your website or blog. More traffic generally means more business!
It is important to realize that in order to really make this work you will have to be an active participant on Facebook. You are building your business through relationships. Promote your links but do not forget to reciprocate by commenting, linking and sharing what others are doing as well.
Get Started!
You do not have to join every social network out there. It would be better to be an active participant in a couple of good networks than to just have an account on them and never really interact with your potential customers or clients.
Start with Twitter and Facebook and then move on to others like YouTube, LinkedIn or others when you have the opportunity. The investment of time that you put into social media will pay off in more website traffic and more business!

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