What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a service that allows you to monitor visits to your website. When you create a Google Analytics account you are given a code that links your website with your account, so only you have access to your website's statistics. Google Analytics is brilliant for finding useful information about your website visitors; you can:
- Track how many people have visited your website.
- Compare user behaviour or visitor conversion rates to previous months or years.
- See what device they used to view your website (Computer, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry etc).
- There is a world map that shows you what countries the visitors live in.
- Allows you to track the effectiveness of an online or offline marketing campaign.
- You can generate custom reports and have these emailed to you automatically.
How can Google Analytics help me?
Google Analytics is a free service that allows you to track information about your website visitors that can help you make crucial business decisions regarding your web presence. One of the most beneficial reporting tools available to you is being able to compare website traffic with previous times of the year, so if you had an Ad-campaign active for a month, you could see if there was any change in user behaviour or visitor conversion rates compared to the previous month. Google gives you access to hundreds of data reports and graphs to visualize the data being stored for your website, making it nice and easy for you find out the information you need.
Services like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are brilliant for sharing information and communicating with other people on the Internet. Social media is a term used to describe web-based and mobile technologies that allow people to communicate and share information over the Internet.
Companies use a wide range of advertising methods to promote their company, brand, products and services, and Social Media allows them to engage with potential customers on a global scale so it's important that they know where their advertising efforts have been successful.
One of the more difficult things to do in social media is being able to track the effectiveness of your campaign, but hopefully by the end of this article you will know more about what Google Analytics can do.
You would think that tracking Social Media traffic to your website would be straight forward, but with all the third p
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6369146
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