Getting social media marketing traffic to your blog or website should be something that every marketer needs to aim for. If you have a blog or website then getting any form of traffic from a particular platform should be one of your top priorities. If you are completely new to online marketing or have just created your first blog, then you need to know that getting traffic to your blog is what will drive your business, your image and your name forward. Building your name up is a lot more important than building your business up.
It does not matter how much social media marketing traffic you get because if your blog does not have the right info, chances are those people will not bother to ever come back. Getting repeat visitors is a powerful thing and something that every marketer should be proud of if they are getting them. You may be thinking what has all this got to do with me getting social media marketing traffic? The answer is it has a lot to do with it because I believe there is no point in getting traffic if your blog takes like 20 minutes to load, has undervalued content on it and you are more concerned with the way it looks rather than what it holds.
Once you have a blog that is full of valuable content then the time is right to get out there and let the entire world know just who you are. If people actually benefit from your blog, you will be getting a lot more social media marketing traffic because they will be sharing your content and letting others know who you are. Do you see how powerful social media can be? However, you too have to act a certain way in order to use social sites to your advantage and get people to your website.
For example I am pretty certain that you will not get any social media marketing traffic if you are always pitching your business opportunity, or posting links related to your business opportunity. There are thousands of people who do this and I know because whenever I am on Facebook, I see people posting their business and business opportunity links every chance they get. If it isn't about how great the product is, then it is about the amazing and out of this world pay plan. I mean come on give me a break because that will just not work if you want to succeed.
If you do want social media marketing traffic and especially traffic that will return, you need to share content that can help others. You need to do this consistently and not just once a week or whenever you feel like it. The more you give and the more value you put out there, the better it will be for you because people will begin to see you as a leader or an expert. They will know that you know what you are talking about and is not somebody who has no clue. People are always looking for leaders and experts as it is these groups of people that can make a difference to someone's life. This is one of the best ways to get social media marketing traffic to your site using social media.
Another thing you could do is connect with your traffic and the people who leave comments on your site. Chances are that they will already have a Facebook or Twitter profile and by connecting with them, not only can you get them visiting your site regularly, but you will also be building a relationship with them which can go a long way. Getting social media marketing traffic isn't exactly easy, but why not make it simple and painless by giving people the right reasons to visit your site? :-)
How To Get Social Media Marketing Traffic
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