Thursday, 21 February 2013

Free Traffic Strategy Often Requires More Time And Effort In Return

We normally hear this oft-repeated reminder about our Internet marketing efforts - Traffic is the lynchpin of Internet marketing. It is the lifeblood of our online business and it can make or break whatever online campaigns you are engaged in. This is one of the critical elements of the business, whether it is a new or start-up venture or a company that owns a Website that has already existed for some time.
Most companies will have to include in their range of concerns the free traffic that could contribute in the achievement of company's strategic goals and objectives. In most cases, those "free lunches" become part of the overall traffic generation strategy of the business.
We have to remember that there will always be some trade-offs when you opt for something that is free. While it doesn't cost the company anything when it comes to money spent, a free traffic strategy would require a significant amount of time and effort, and you have to understand that these variables will have intrinsic value depending on the nature of your business and your extent of involvement in running the business.
Will Free Traffic Help Your Business
What you must determine when creating a traffic generation strategy for your business is whether such strategy will get you the targeted or relevant traffic or not. Regardless, of the amount of traffic that you are generating, if you are way off your target conversion rate for your website, then you are at the losing end even if you are using free traffic strategy.
When it comes to Internet marketing, it is extremely crucial that you are getting relevant traffic to your website. Of course, by the rule of averages, you need to increase traffic to improve your chances of generating more sales. However, you need to ensure that you get the most sales for a certain volume of traffic for your online business, for the free traffic that you have for your online business is not actually free in the strictest sense of the word. You spend time and effort to meet your targets and this means that such strategy have its opportunity cost.
There are a lot of traffic generation techniques and strategies that you can adopt for your business, both the paid and free ones. However, you have to remember that free traffic is not necessarily better than the paid options only because the former does not involve any cash disbursements. The truth is that in some instances, paid traffic generation strategies can be more "cost-effective" than free traffic strategies.

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