Today I'm going to shed some light on How To Use Social Media To Build Your Business. Okay, we all know that sites like Twitter and Facebook have a massive following right now. Some of you, if not all of you, probably visit these sites from time to time. And, some of you are probably Junkies! Admit it, you update your profile more often than you change socks. So, with all of this traffic, how do we use it to benefit our business? Good question, here are a few quick tips.
1) Make Friends: The first thing you need to do is make friends. You can do this by simply getting to know other people who are in the same industry as you. Or, you can find people whom you admire and/or enjoy their work. On Facebook, this is as easy as sending them a "Friend request" and on twitter, the easiest thing to do is to simply follow that person. It's okay on Twitter, following someone will not get you in trouble with the law! I don't think!! There are tools available so you can set up your replies automatically to follow or friend someone in return when they decide to follow of friend you. I know, it gets a little confusing, but if you're going to use this as a means to drive traffic, you've got to set up some systems or you'll spend all day doing nothing.
2) Value: This is no different than anything we've talked about before. If someone is following you or has become your friend, they are already interested. DO NOT go out and place advertisements all over your Facebook page. This is a sure fire way for people to remove you from their list and for the others to just ignore your posts. How would you like to drive into a Jiffy Lube and without even seeing your car, the guy at the desk lists off 40 items that need work and you should buy? Something tells me you'd be confused and a little turned off. Get to know people before you assume they would be a right fit for you or your business. This is a process that takes a little time. You can post links to your blog and/or articles as long as those posts are giving relevant content and provide some value.
3) Personable: Facebook especially is a place for people to get to know you. Someone may have seen an article of yours or have read a blog post about your industry or market, and now they go to Facebook to get a good idea of YOU. So be yourself, as long as yourself isn't hammered in every photo and all of your posts are profanity laden rants that are just going to scare people. If that is you, maybe being in an industry where your #1 product is you, isn't the right choice. So, keep to a theme that is helpful mixed in with some current events of your life. Keep people interested, not bored or irritated.
As you spend more time and see other people you admire work this thing called Social Media, you to will gain an understanding of How To Use Social Media To Build Your Business. Get out there and make some friends (Anyone else have flashbacks to 4th Grade.) Provide people with valuable content and you'll have this Social Media thing working in your favor in no time flat. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
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