Monday, 4 February 2013

How To Generate Free Traffic - Using Social Media Sites

When people are interested and excited about your particular niche, they will start sharing your site information with other people. In turn these people will share your links with other people they know. Personal referral are just that, personal. If a friend told you about something great, you would be more likely to check it out. But if a total stranger came up to you and tried to pitch you something, you may not be a susceptible to the idea. Now can you see why this would generate tons of free traffic?
As people head to your quality website or product and search around a bit, if they like it and you have provided something of use or interest, you will start to build a good reputation with these people. A good reputation is very important because they will in turn be excited about the next product you want to offer. So potentially every time you send out something new, your followers will check it out, making it that much easier each time you have a new product to share.
When marketing through social media sites, remember to create a great product or site description to get them excited enough to want to click and visit your site. Create a great bio that they can look at to see who you really are and to confirm that you are actually human and really care about those people and in providing them with a unique and useful product. Be personal at all times, make sure you sound human.
Strive on quality not quantity. Put your potential customers first and in turn they will keep coming back for your products and listen to your suggestions. The reason behind this idea is that by thinking of your customers first, they will stay with you in the long run because they feel as though you truly care about them personally. You are creating a relationship with your followers, so keep that in mind when writing and promoting. The friendlier you seem, the more people will want to follow your ideas.
Some of the social media sites you can use are Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Remember to be patient and persistent as with most free traffic methods, the results are not seen over night. It takes time and patience to see results, but remember that these results will stay for the long run if done carefully and properly.
The next step is to get out there and start signing up for social media sites and get your content up. So get cracking! If you haven't already, sign up for some social media sites and start creating your content to share with the social community.

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