Marketing is easier than it has ever been. Twenty years ago, in order to get your business recognized, your options were print, billboards, radio and television. Radio and television are extremely expensive and it is hard to get your billboards or print noticed. Mainstreaming the Internet changed all that. It gave all business models the ability to get recognized on a global scale. You can now have your entire business online, and ways to promote your website abound. By focusing your marketing on blogs, social media, and article bookmarking, your website will quickly get recognized.
Blogs- Their Popularity is your Gain.
Blogs, or web logs, started as a place where someone could have their own virtual space to write what they wanted about whatever topic moved them. Because of their accessibility, blogs quickly became all the rage. Every mom and emo teenager wanted to have a blog where they could journal their life and anyone could have access. Before long, some blogs had thousands of followers. With all that traffic came the opportunity to sponsor. Sponsoring is now common on any blogs that attract over a certain number of readers. The beauty of being sponsored on a blog is that you can choose a blog that attracts readers whom you specifically want to target. For example, if you owned a maternity website, advertising on a fashion blog of an expectant mother would hit your ideal target population perfectly.
Blogs- Their Popularity is your Gain.
Blogs, or web logs, started as a place where someone could have their own virtual space to write what they wanted about whatever topic moved them. Because of their accessibility, blogs quickly became all the rage. Every mom and emo teenager wanted to have a blog where they could journal their life and anyone could have access. Before long, some blogs had thousands of followers. With all that traffic came the opportunity to sponsor. Sponsoring is now common on any blogs that attract over a certain number of readers. The beauty of being sponsored on a blog is that you can choose a blog that attracts readers whom you specifically want to target. For example, if you owned a maternity website, advertising on a fashion blog of an expectant mother would hit your ideal target population perfectly.
Social Media- Free and Easy
Social media is the most cost effective way to market in a large scale. They key to marketing effectively is to bring traffic to your page or account. For example, if you create a Facebook page for your business and never do anything to bring people there, you will be unsuccessful. To generate traffic, you must create interest in your page. Offer discounts or other incentives for "liking" your page. Each time someone likes it, that feed will go out to all of his or her Facebook friends. If someone has 500 friends, your brand will get seen by every one of them. Tweeting is effective for the same reasons. The more followers you have, the stronger your ability to brand. Best of all, to promote your website through social media is completely free.
Article Bookmarking-Further Increase your Exposure
Article Bookmarking-Further Increase your Exposure
Article marketing is an excellent, less known, way to generate publicity for your website. For best results, write short, well-written, intriguing articles about your business. It doesn't have to be too in depth, just something that will spark enough interest that someone will want to learn more about your business. Make sure you are writing quality content; something that is boring will drive readers away. For best results, focus on keywords in your link that sends people to your website. The more relevant keywords you use, the more likely your article will come up during a Google search.
There are many resources available to promote your website. Blogs, social media and article bookmarking each have unique features that will ensure your business gets branded quickly and effectively.
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