Thursday, 12 June 2014

Internet Marketing Strategy For Beginners

The reason most aspiring new entrepreneurs fail is because they have no clear cut plan for success. A plan is more than.."I'm going to build an Opt in list and sell my product on the internet."
A plan is a step-by-step outline with a beginning and end and each step in between clearly laid out. At any time on the way from beginning to end, one should know what step he is on.
The following is a typical unplanned effort:
I want to make income on the internet.
I research and buy a "How to Make Money on the Internet" course.
I get lots of information. I get lost in the report ,clicking on links that take me down various roads
to internet success.
I even end up purchasing another EBook or two,along the way, in addition to acquiring several free reports.
Now I have a lot of information. I'm also getting confused by so many easy money schemes.
Each sounds like a winner. Which is best? Which way should I go? Should I try them all?
I wake up several weeks later still bogged down in reports...more reports...more info... more
reading...less time to do. I'm no further down the road to success. But I am several dollars lighter.
I don't have a clue. I don't have a plan.
Have you been there? Are you there now?
All that time spent reading is not wasted, however. By now I do know some things:
I know I should have a web site.
I need a domain name.
I need a web host.
I need a list.
I need an auto responder.
I need...........A PLAN
I decide to build a list.
So how do I plan?
I start with step 1... my goal. (An opt in list)
Step 2. My niche product..(the vehicle I'll use to take me to my goal)
Now I build a stairway with my niche product on the bottom step and my goal on the top step.
I begin to fill in the in-between steps and flesh them out. (I personally find it easier to start with the top step and work backward - each time defining the step just previous to the one I'm on.)
The time spent laying out my plan will save much time that would be wasted trying to figure things out as I go. It will enable me to make every move a positive one.

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