Anyone who is successful in internet marketing will invariably tell you that a big part of success in making money online is in building a list. In this article, I will tell you about 3 simple ways to build a huge list quickly and easily.
We'll talk about article marketing, video marketing and also blogging as 3 of the most effective methods for building a responsive list.
One of the most effective ways to build a list of subscribers is through article marketing. The very fact that you are online right now and reading an article is testament to how powerful this can be.
The key with article marketing is that you have to be consistent and have realistic expectations about your results. It won't be enough to just write a couple of articles and hope to have a list with hundreds of people on it by the end of the week.
Article marketing is a marathon, not a sprint and the people that understand this are the ones who will always be the most successful.
The idea behind using article marketing as a good method of list building for newbies is that people will read your article, recognize that you are a credible individual on the topic you're writing about. They will then want to find out more about the topic you're writing on by clicking through at the end of your article.
They will then end up on what is known as a "squeeze page" where they will usually find an offer of a free report in exchange for their email address.
A second, extremely powerful way to build a list for a beginner is using video marketing.
The idea here is simply posting videos to a site like with your URL embedded into the video driving people back to your site. You can either sit in front of the camera and simply talk about your subject or you can also capture a PowerPoint presentation and record your voice.
The target is the same as with article marketing in that you want people to end up back at your squeeze page to sign up for your report with their email address.
The third method that works well for list building for newbies is in blogging.
If you have a site that is full of great quality content, it is a simple matter of embedding an email capture form on your blog with an offer of a special report. Your readers will already be on your site and engaged by your content so it isn't difficult to get them to volunteer their email address for more.
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