I'm assuming here that you understand why you need to build a list and what a list is. I'm also going to assume that you know the benefits of owning a list, and have already decided to build one for your online business. So I'm going to jump right in and talk a little bit about how to actually go about building a list.
Building a list starts with having a squeeze page. A squeeze page is simply a phrase to describe a simple web page with an opt-in form, allowing the website visitor to leave their name and email address with you. This exists for only one purpose, which is to capture the name and email address of the website visitor so that future communications is possible.
So there should be nothing on the squeeze page that will distract the visitor from filling in the opt-in form. For example, there shouldn't be bright graphics, unwanted animations, or unnecessary links on the squeeze page that'll cause the visitor to leave your page without noticing the opt-in form.
Internet Marketers are concerned with the opt-in rates of the squeeze page. An opt-in rate is the rate that visitor leaves their contact information using the squeeze page.
For instance, if 10 email addresses are captured out of 100 unique visitors, then we say the opt-in rate is 10%. This is the single, most important metric that the Internet Marketer should be concerned about. Obviously, the higher the opt-in rate, the better.
I've personally found that the most effective squeeze pages contain just these three elements:
- Attention grabbing page title, usually in red
- A bullet list describing the benefits and features of your list
- The opt-in form
These elements should form the skeleton of your squeeze page. Be careful not to add too much "flesh" and unwanted items to your skeleton!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1106280
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