Monday, 30 June 2014

List Building - The Beginners Guide To List Building Part 1 of 5

Most people who have explored the idea of making money online from the internet will have found repeated from various sources that the money is in the list. But what exactly is this list and how do you go about building one?
Let's look at exactly what is meant by list building for profit. This is essentially a group of email addresses and names that you send out emails to on a regular basis. By recommending products and services (either your own or somebody else's) through these emails you make some money when members of your list buy that product or service.
Obviously the larger your list and the higher the levels of response the more profit that you will make. List building comes highly recommended for a variety of reasons, the main ones being that you can market products more than once to your list, you can use your list to drive traffic to your website and you can find potential affiliates to sell your products for you.
When designing your list building activities you should decide firstly what people that you want on your list and this is effectively deciding the niche area that you will operate in. The tighter you can define a niche the better the responsiveness of the list. This makes sense - if you had a list of 50,000 car owners and your product related to BMW cars then you would really only expect a response from those people who owned a BMW so overall across your list the response would seem poor.
One way to get around this would be to categorise a larger list into sections and either have a way of gaining this information from your subscribers or to build multiple, separate category lists. This will enable you to market different types of related products to one or more categories and should mean an increase in the amount of money that you can make.
If you are entering the world of internet email marketing and building a list for the first time there are some considerations that you need to make when making the choice of which niche to build your list in.

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