Wednesday, 11 June 2014

List Building - The Beginner's Guide To List Building Part 2 of 5

Ideally you would make a note of all the potential ideas that you can think of. This list of ideas should be based around topics that you are passionate about, can talk about or are really interested in. The reasons for this are that you will need to 'speak' to your list in the emails that you send them, educating your list and giving them a reason to stay on your list.
Once you have all of your potential ideas down on paper (or in a word processing document) you will then need to do some research into the potential profitability of your ideas. You shouldn't guess this part as your whole future list building activities will revolve around this niche. If it isn't potentially profitable then there will not be any money in it for you and you will end up doing a lot of work for nothing.
You should research the potential profitability by utilising a keyword research tool and have a choice between software and an online service. Whichever you decide you will need to find actual search terms that people are searching for in the search engines and ensure that there are a sufficient number of people looking for information related to your niche. Providing that there are sufficient quantities of people looking for this information then there is the potential to build a list and make money from it.
Exactly how hard it will be to do this will depend on how much competition there is in your chosen niche and a good keyword tool will provide you with this type of information. I wouldn't let competition make the decision as to whether or not I operated in a niche as it is far more important that you create fresh content that your visitors will like. In fact I would be more worried if there wasn't any competition in a niche as most things have already been done to some degree.

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