Sunday, 29 June 2014

List Building For Beginners - How to Start Building Your List to Your First 1000 Subscribers

Creating a database of prospects for your niche market is crucial for creating long-term success in your online business. If you want to learn how to successfully build a list, then you have come to the right place! Here are the secrets to building your list to your first 1000 subscribers:
Step 1 - Codify Your Niche
The first step is to decide what niche you would like to work in. This will depend on your preferences and also, the profitability of the niche. So the two rules are that you need to enjoy working in the market and it also has to be a profitable market.
Step 2 - Create A Free Gift
Create a free gift to give away to get subscribers to opt-in to your list. This is usually a small report that you can write in a few hours or get a ghostwriter to create for you. You can also make use of reports that contain giveaway rights.
Step 3 - Create A Name Squeeze Page
Create a short landing page that has only one specific purpose - to get visitors to subscribe to your mailing list. It should be short, attention-grabbing and benefit-laden to get visitors to opt-in right away.
Step 4 - Generate Traffic Using Free Methods
If you were anything like me, you would start off using free methods to promote your site. These include but are not limited to article marketing, social networking, forum marketing and email marketing. The idea is to make money from free methods and then reinvest it later on paid strategies.
Step 5 - Generate Traffic Using Paid Strategies
Paid strategies like pay per click advertising, banner advertising and blog advertising are highly effective in getting targeted visitors. If you use the right strategies, that is! Combining paid strategies and free methods is certainly an option for getting tons of traffic.

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