Monday, 2 June 2014

List Building For Beginners - Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

If you're not capturing your visitors name and email you're leaving loads of cash on the table. You can increase your income tremendously by implementing an email marketing campaign for your current business.
Sometimes we get caught up in the details of running our businesses and its hard to find the time to do everything we need to do. At times just creating content, building back-links and dealing with customer service issues is enough to fill our plates to overflowing. Taking the time to incorporate an email marketing campaign into your current marketing plan will be worth the initial set up and time it takes you.
Even if you're just starting out with making money online the first thing you should do is start building an email list. Niche marketing in particular can be very profitable by adding an auto-responder series. Most customers need to be exposed to an offer at least seven times before they make a purchasing decision, sometimes even more.
With the speed of things in today's world not many people are going to remember what the name or url of your site is, let alone take the time to search for it. Your best chance to win a lifetime customer is by providing useful information straight to their in-box.
Adding an email campaign to your existing marketing plan is easy. Subscribe to an auto-responder service, create a squeeze page, drive traffic to your squeeze page to get opt-ins and subscribers. It really is as simple as that.

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