When first emerging on to the Internet marketplace it can often be difficult to find potential customers for the products and services you have selected to sell online. While the major companies and your larger online competition are raking in the money, you are floundering and trying desperately just to make a sale. What follows are lead generation tips for beginners that are guaranteed to help.
1. Increase Your Traffic and You Will Increase Your Leads
It should go without saying that if you can increase the volume of traffic visiting your website will be able to increase your sales exponentially. Sales are after all a numbers game; the more pitches you make, the more sales you should realize as a result. With that in mind take steps to increase the traffic to your website by aligning yourself with similar web sites through low-cost advertising or private link exchanges. I made a point to say private link exchange is because there are many link exchange websites that will bring in high volumes of traffic that have no interest whatsoever in actually sticking around long enough to see the products and services you have to offer.
2. Get Social!
Social networking and social bookmarking websites like My Space, Face Book, Twitter, Stumble Upon and others are just full of people who are clustered in groups of similarly minded people both small and large. By creating and maintaining a presence on these web sites you are better able to infiltrate these groups, open a dialogue with the members and eventually increase both traffic and sales figures due to the effort. It goes without saying here that involvement on social networking and social bookmarking websites is free, making it not only a great lead generation tip but also a wise marketing move.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1778819
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