Monday, 9 June 2014

List Building - The Beginner's Guide To List Building Part 5 of 5

Once everything is set up and ready to go you need to drive traffic to your squeeze page and this is where most beginners come unstuck. This needn't be the case as long as you realise that there is work involved.
One of the biggest questions from somebody who is new to making money online is 'how long will it take?'
It's a difficult question to answer as people start from different points and work different numbers of hours. Assuming that your site is researched and set up the answer is that is doesn't have to take very long at all.
If you can work 3 hours each day and spend the majority of that time actually working then you can earn money very quickly. The problem is when you spend the majority of this working time reading emails or surfing the web. By making sure that you are productive you can quickly and easily get up and running.
Lots of new marketers think that they must get thousands of visitors in order to get their list as big as possible. While quantity certainly plays its part the real key to success is in getting targeted traffic to your opt-in page.
So what is targeted traffic? This is traffic that definitely has an interest in your specific niche. There are a variety of ways that you can accomplish this and some of the more popular ways are:
1. Classified Advertising
2. PPC
3. Ezine Advertising
4. Links On Related Sites
5. Forum Marketing
6. Article Marketing
I have found that by far the best type of visitor to my sites comes through article marketing.
Article marketing for list building is where you write articles related to your niche and submit these articles to the article directories. You agree that people can use your article content on their sites or in their ezines as long as they keep the article intact.
What you do is include links to your site in the resource or 'bio' box at the end of each article which invites a reader of the article to click through to your site or squeeze page.
If you think about this process logically you will be able to see why this type of marketing is a strong way to list build.
Firstly, a reader of your article will have an interest about what they are reading or they simply wouldn't be reading it! If they read the whole article and click a link in your bio box you can assume that they liked the style of your writing and wanted to find out more information from you on the topic.
Providing that you've written something related to your niche and your squeeze page is congruent with this niche then the chances are that they will enter their name and email address in exchange for your incentive.
I know that sounds simple - and it is - but only if you have done your initial research and kept the whole of your list building design based around a tight niche.

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