Monday, 16 June 2014

List Building For Beginners - A Few Tips to Get You Started in the Right Direction

You may be new to internet marketing or a veteran but I am sure you will agree with me that there are a lot of list building for beginners guides out there online that are simply too complicated for the beginner.
As a beginner it makes sense to be properly grounded before venturing out into what could end up to be a very costly and frustrating exercise.
Apart from being a useful tool in online marketing, list building allows marketers to achieve their goals and objectives in a faster and easier way compared to traditional methods.
You would no doubt have heard it time and again depending on how long you have been online that the money is in the list. This article is to give you some list building for beginners' tips to help you.
o Choose a target market. It helps if you know something about it otherwise, do some research. You do want to have a good idea what your market wants.
o Decide on who you are actually targeting in this market. People with lists and want to monetize it or people without lists and want to know how to build one from scratch. This will enable you to be specific in your marketing to this niche. It will also save you time and effort marketing to the wrong market.
o Create a series of follow up messages. These will be delivered in emails by your auto responder. Make sure they are targeted to your list.
o Once your messages start going out make sure you track their conversion rates. In other words ask yourself - are these emails getting me the right response? One way to find out is to use your auto responders' statistics features. You will be able to tell which emails are being opened and if the links inside are being clicked and so on.
It goes without saying that if the rates are up then your emails are having the desired effect and if not then it is time to find out why and get them effective.

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